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Tales of a bazooka, Part 17: Another World Destroyed

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:49 pm
by the bazookas
NOTE: For the sake of a good story / role-play, I'm going to talk as if "the bazooka brothers" intended to take down Rel Por, but that certainly does not reflect my true feelings on the subject--which you can read here. If you are not aware, I became a developer and administrator on Rel Por in October until just recently (when it shut down).

Also, for other tales of a bazooka, see the table of contents here

As many are aware, the bazooka brothers disappeared from Britannia for a while; you might wonder how we could do such a thing considering the fact that our mission is and always will be to protect Britannia (by wiping out the human menace that infests it). However, approximately 5 months ago, the bazooka brothers determined a new and more important threat was growing in a dimension far removed from Britannia (but not far enough). Having detected some strange signals in a cave, the bazookas decided to investigate, and discovered something never before seen in Britannia:


It appeared to be an interdimensional rift... The bazooka brothers decided to send a team of bazookas into this rift to investigate what could be a possible threat to Britannia. It turns out that we were correct in doing so, for on the other side we discovered another realm full of humans and powerful magic. The humans there were similar to those of Britannia, except they did not have mounts to ride. We discovered the world to be called "Atria". The scariest part of this world was these interdimensional rifts; they regularly brought hordes of foul creatures into Atria, and considering the fact that a rift had opened between Britannia and Atria, there was no doubt that Atria could serve as a launching point for an assault on Britannia. The bazookas had to do something.

The bazookas created a powerful explosive device called an "Essence of Doom" and placed it in the middle of Galven. The device attracted the most powerful beasts in Atria, absorbed their energy as they attempted to destroy it, and unleashed a chain reaction that wiped out the entire continent.

Here is some video surveillance of our final moments in Atria. Be sure to watch it in HD and full screen! otherwise it's hard to see what's going on. Basically every balron, ancient lich, and ancient wyrm was a player controlled monster--they could attack each other (with each race being on a team), but in the end, they were trying to destroy the essence of doom... which turned out to be a fatal mistake for them.

Grande Finale Video:

An Alternative multi-client perspective Video: (All your base... :)) ...

RIP Atria :) I think the bazooka brothers are going to have a hard time topping that explosion ;) However, now that the Atrian threat is overcome, perhaps we shall have more energies to devote to protecting Britannia on Britannian soil.

See you there!

Re: Tales of a bazooka, Part 17: Another World Destroyed

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:28 pm
by Downs
lol that was pretty cool. Sorry to see your shard go down, but welcome back!

Re: Tales of a bazooka, Part 17: Another World Destroyed

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:33 pm
by chumbucket
It's a shame about Rel Por. The staff there seemed very good and most of the playerbase was good. I ended up feeling that the shard had too many constraints for a thief, but I saw why they might want it that way. Now you should bug Derrick to help you start up a T2A-style Seige shard!

Re: Tales of a bazooka, Part 17: Another World Destroyed

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:42 pm
by the bazookas
:). We'll see; to everybody interested, I posted my final thoughts on Rel Por and on UO in general on

Re: Tales of a bazooka, Part 17: Another World Destroyed

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:10 pm
by the bazookas
Got another cleaner video set up--I edited into the original post. Enjoy!

Re: Tales of a bazooka, Part 17: Another World Destroyed

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:35 pm
by Stead
I spent only a few short weeks in the Rel Por Community and i must say it was a very entertaining incarnation of the game we all know and love.
The events on Rel Por like the Ultimate Ultima Event, and the Vorshun Wars made it very exciting, and had little or no impact on the economy. (who cares about trophies, the good times i had are the reward!)
I would love to see some Admin-run events on T2A, I feel like Ultimate Ultima has a lot of potiential as a solid diversion that both new and old players can enjoy.
Props to MobofMonsters and the other admins at Rel Por for all your hard work

Rest in Peace Rel Por

That being said, I want to thank Derrick and the staff here as well for running a server that is eternally awesome. T2A is my home, and the benchmark by which I measure all my UO experiences.

Re: Tales of a bazooka, Part 17: Another World Destroyed

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:12 pm
by Chance
chumbucket wrote:It's a shame about Rel Por. The staff there seemed very good and most of the playerbase was good. I ended up feeling that the shard had too many constraints for a thief, but I saw why they might want it that way. Now you should bug Derrick to help you start up a T2A-style Seige shard!

I'd rather it were a UO:R/p15/16 shard myself, and that would put it less in direct competition with UOSA. Love UOSA and the commitment to the Vision for the server, but I'm just not a huge T2A fan. I'm not a coder, but would love to help in any way/shape/form on a serious Siege clone server. Some past GM/admin/XML experience, fwiw. I'm not particularly impressed by any of the "UO:R" shards around now, not even the one I'm actively playing on. /sigh

At any rate, great tales & all. I was never active here when the bazooka crew was, but I've read many of the tales. Great work on RelPor as well, the in-game events and such were a lot of fun and a breath of fresh air. Keep on keepin' on!

*In retrospect, even though I hate UOSA-style hally-mage BS, a T2A Siege shard would roXXor.