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Resource replenishment

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:34 pm
by Djinn_Voodoo
how often do resources replenish? As an example if a fisherman dies with 125 mib bottles and corpse decayes where do those bottles go? back to the ocean? to never never land? :mrgreen:

Re: Resource replenishment

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:38 pm
by Djinn_Voodoo
also what level maps are fished up by gm fisher?

Re: Resource replenishment

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:04 pm
by the bazookas
Djinn_Voodoo wrote:how often do resources replenish? As an example if a fisherman dies with 125 mib bottles and corpse decayes where do those bottles go? back to the ocean? to never never land? :mrgreen:
They are deleted: the server forgets they were ever there (freeing up memory for other hoarded items).
Djinn_Voodoo wrote:also what level maps are fished up by gm fisher?
Can't say I ever played a fisherman (outside of having like 30 fishing skill on OSI when I first started back in '98)

Re: Resource replenishment

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:22 pm
by Djinn_Voodoo
thanks but i am serious to these questions!! playing a fisher is extremely boring (since u arnt suppose to be afk) and fishing these bottles takes a while (can make a fella rich though).

Re: Resource replenishment

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:59 pm
by Missy B
The bottles in question goto chainsaor.

Re: Resource replenishment

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:02 pm
by Orion GM B^D
Djinn_Voodoo wrote:also what level maps are fished up by gm fisher?
All fished up tattered treasure are lvl 1 only.

I believe that you can fish up one [1] bottle per hr, give or take. So if you have 3 GM fisherman you should yield close to three [3] per hr.

Re: Resource replenishment

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:30 pm
by Djinn_Voodoo
thank you for the map answer!!! i also know about the 1 per hrs (this is not accurate est. but not accurate) still doesnt answer about where the iteams go that deacay in a corpse... and if i fish a square quaderant say what ever size as long as the fish keep biting then i should be able to fish up a bottle roughly every hour ( i still have found this not to be accurate)

Re: Resource replenishment

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:06 pm
by orevamp
No offense, but if u die and decay with 125 mibs on you, figuring out where they went isnt going to get them back lol

Re: Resource replenishment

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:29 pm
by Djinn_Voodoo
bah no offence taken cause i didnt i said "IF" asan "example :mrgreen:

Re: Resource replenishment

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:31 pm
by Apocalypse
If a corpse decays with items on it, they will be deleted. They don't go back to anywhere afaik, they are simply deleted. It is best to use an if statement with an organizer agent when fishing. Mine looks like this:

If (SysMessage "parchment")
Exec: Organizer Agent-1
End If
If (SysMessage "bottle")
Exec: Organizer Agent-2
End If

Set organizer agent 1 to organize maps (the "parchment") into a hotbag and the same with bottles. The hotbag should be sitting on the tile next to the mast so it cannot be looted. I suppose it might be possible to have a single organizer agent to do both bottles and maps, but I've never tried it. This way, if you get pk'd, you won't have to worry about hurrying back to land to rez yourself, or having another char recall off of a second key to rez you, before the corpse decays and your goods are gone forever.

Re: Resource replenishment

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:54 pm
by Djinn_Voodoo
i say thank you apocalypse