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A Stallion Returns - Mountains of Minoc

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:33 pm
by Kylathew
The sun crept up over the ocean, slowly cascading it's light across the water, illuminating the coastline and the large brick house that sat just within the grassy peninsula. A man clothed in the deepest shade of cobalt blue sat crouched on a stool, one hand supporting himself on his thigh, the other holding a pipe to his lips. He gently inhaled the sweet smoke, puffing it out in a long, wispy trail. His dark brown eyes scanned the horizon, as he meditated on his plans for the day. His sister Alannah emerged from the front door, tapping him on the shoulder with the rim of the ceramic mug she then handed to him.

"Thank you." he replied, as he raised the steaming liquid to his lips and took a hearty sip.

"Any word from Xander ?" Alannah asked him.

"No...though something troubles me."

"What ails you brother ?" the now worried sister asked.

"Last night, I dreamt of our brother. He was still as stone, lifeless, laid upon a pile of boards and sticks. A figure stood over him, laughing, and pointing to me. It was then that I awoke."

Alannah's face turned to a frown as she tried to process the information he had just given her.

"But this was just a dream, yes ?"

Vance's eyes never left the horizon, as he replied "Yes, just a dream dear sister. Please do not trouble your mind with my nonsense."

Alannah's eyes brightened a bit, and she said "Wait here, I have something to show you !"

She rushed back inside, and returned a few moments later with a long, slender rosewood box, sanded and polished to perfection.

"Look inside!" She said, beaming with pride.

Vance unhasped the lock on the box, and lifted the lid up. The hinges on the box were silent and smooth, not that he would expect much less from his sister. He had always said that she could turn a lump of coal into a diamond. The box was lined with a dark red, velvety fabric, which seemed to be cushioned as well. In the corner of the box, Vance saw his sister's mark, a K, encircled by a laurel, with two broadswords crossed below it. In the middle of the box lay a long, slender sword. Vance's eyes moved up and down the exquisite weapon. It was a katana of some sort, but serrated near the hilt, and five holes ran along the tang of the blade, giving it a skeletonized appearance. The blade shone bright, as swirls of silver seemed to float throughout it as he rotated the blade in the fresh sunlight. The handle was wrapped in black stingray hide, gritty and firm to the grasp, yet still very comfortable.

"Watch this.." said Alannah, as she took the sword from his grasp.

Alannah walked over to the large chopping stump in the front yard, and laid a fresh iron ingot upon the top. Raising the sword above her head with both hands, Vance chuckled as he saw the tip of her tongue poke out the corner of her mouth as she concentrated. Bringing the sword down in a surprisingly fluid motion, the sword sliced through the ingot like a warm stick of butter, then continued on and cleaved the stump in two.

Vance's eyes went wide, as did Alannah's.

"Wow..." uttered Alannah. "I didn't think it would do THAT."

Vance took the blade back from her hand and held it up yet again. There was not a ding nor blemish on the edge of the blade, it looked as if it had never been used.

"I guess that explains this..." said Alannah, as she peered down the inner lining of the sword's sheath. Faint sparkles glistened from within as she angled the opening towards the sun.
"It seems to have a diamond lining."

"Where did you get this from?" asked Vance as he continued to admire the katana.

"Well, you know how our younger brother enjoys hunting ?"

(Now this was an understatement, as ALL of Jayce Kylathew's time was spent on the hunt. He was renowned throughout the lands as an authority on not only hunting, but his talent with a bow.)

Vance nodded.

"It seems he got into a particularly hairy situation the other day with a Titan King. He suffered a few moderate burns and a new scar to add to his extensive collection, but as always, his arrows found their mark. As he rifled through the pewter chest it was guarding, he came across this sword and a few other weapons I believe he plans to sell at the market."

"Well..." Vance begun. "...suffice it to say that Xander will be quite pleased with this gift. I don't foresee even the mightiest of the undead being able to stand up to that fine piece."

As the word "piece" left his lips, there was the loud whinny of a horse, as both Vance and Alannah turned to greet their brother.

Atrax appeared in the clearing before their home, trotting up to Vance and bowing his head low.
A single tear slid down Alannah's cheek as she looked at her older brother and their brother's horse. Vance's hand gently patted Atrax on the side of his neck, as he removed the saddlebag and looked inside. There was the usual, strips of leather, some large sewing needles, thread, a few empty bottles, some rough cloth, and a small leather pouch filled with reagents. Digging amongst the leather and cloth, he found Xander's journal. Removing the twine that held it shut, Vance opened the book, and a folded parchment fell onto the ground. On the same page he had opened it to, there was a drawing. It was of a woman, hair braided into two tails which rested on her shoulders, a bonnet on her head, and dressed in a robe. Picking up the folded paper from the ground, Vance unfolded it and spread it out on Atrax's side.

"Alannah. Fetch my Lieutenants and send word to Jayce. Please finish repairing my spear and helm, I have a journey to undertake."

Alannah ran inside, as tears coursed down her face. Grabbing a shawl from the rack on the wall, she bolted back out the door, hopping on Vance's horse Alanore and galloping down the path to the guildhouse. Vance stood there for a moment, stoic and silent, when something caught his eye. A small trail of moss hung from above Atrax's hoof. Upon closer inspection, his eyebrows furrowed.

His brother had almost made it home....

Re: A Stallion Returns - Mountains of Minoc

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:01 am
by Courtney Love
nice work