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Stat Loss

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:18 pm
by ironmassacre17
Hey Everyone,

I have some questions about "Stat Loss" I hope you can help me with. The last resource I found was from 2008 and didn't want to base my info off something so dated. Thanks in advance.

What is Stat Loss?
How much skills do you lose?
Is there a formula for this?
Are these changes permanent?
So you actually lose Stats with "Stat Loss"? (If not, why is it called stat loss?)
Does this apply only to Reds (PK's) or also Order/Chaos?

Thanks again!

Re: Stat Loss

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:26 pm
by WiseOne

Stat Loss

"Guide to understanding the new Murder System
The biggest change is that there is two separate murder counters kept on each character now: A short term and a long term counter.
The short term count works exactly like everyone is used to. They decay at one per eight hours, and if you have over 5 of them, you are red and you will have stat loss if you resurrect ("res"). This short term murder count works exactly the same way the murder counts always have, and does not even effect the long term murder count. The long term murder count accumulates exactly the same way as the short term one (if you get reported for murder the counter goes up one). These counts decay at one per 40 hours instead of one per 8 hours. Once you have 5 long term counts, your character will be red, but this counter has nothing to do with stat loss. It only makes your character red. With both of those counters defined, I want to show an example how someone that murders frequently will really wind up being red very very long, even though he can res without stat loss. Lets look at an example of a murderer that kills 5 people in a row, then attempts to just sit out 8 hours to get rid of one short term kill before he kills again."

A Murderer Scenario

Note I am using exact hours to make this scenario simple, things in game can effect the actual hours to make the murder count decay a little faster or slower than 8 hours and 40 hours, but not by too much. You might want to use 10 hours instead of 8 per short term murder count to be on the safe side.
Player murders 5 people in a row and player is red (ressing will cause stat loss).
Short term counter is 5 (40 hours to get to 0 count, 8 hours to be safe to res)
Long term counter is 5 (200 hours to get to 0 count, 40 hours to be blue)
Player waits 8 hours to get rid of a short term murder, player is still red. Even though the short term counter is below 5, the long term counter is still 5 and keeps him red.
Short term counter is 4 (32 hours to get to 0 count, is safe to res)
Long term counter is 5 (192 hours to get to 0 count, 32 hours to be blue)
Player murders a player. Player is still red (ressing causes stat loss again)
Short term counter is 5 (40 hours to get to 0 count, 8 hours to be safe to res)
Long term counter is 6 (232 hours to get to 0 count, 72 hour to be blue)
Player waits 8 hours to get rid of a short term murder again so he can res. You can see that even though the short term counter fell back to 4, the long term count is really racking up the hours, just one kill has made a major difference in the long term count compared to scenario 2 above.
Short term counter is 4 (32 hours to get to 0 count, is safe to res)
Long term counter is 6 (224 hours to get to 0 count, 64 hours to be blue)
Lets run the scenario one more time to watch the long term counter. Player kills someone again (ressing causes stat loss again)
Short term counter 5 (40 hours to get to 0 count, 8 hours to be safe to res)
Long term counter 7 (264 hours to get to 0 count, 104 hours to be blue)
As can be seen, compare scenario 5 above with scenario 1. In both instances, the player is a murderer and has only 5 short term murder counts that only need 8 hours to be safe to res. But because this person has continued to kill and add more 40 hour long term murder counts to the long term counter, this person is going to be red for a long time. Instead of waiting 40 hours to become blue, he would now have to wait 104 hours because of his accumulation.
If you page a Counselor to ask him how many hours you have to wait until you are blue, we will have absolutely no clue in the world (as you can see from the above example the long term counter can get very high and we have no idea what your murdering activities have been). GMs cannot give you your different murder count levels either.
If you plan to be red, be very sure of your murder counts.
Something you can do to see if you have more or less than 5 short term counts is:
Type "I must consider my sins"
The print is white and means you have less than 5 counts.
The print is red and you have more than 5 counts and have stat loss.
This is a fool proof way to know when to res yourself and when not to.

Re: Stat Loss

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:47 pm
by [Uhh] Eo
What is Stat Loss?
You lose up to 20% of your skills and stats.

How much skills do you lose?

Is there a formula for this?
Gets to 20% fairly quickly so for all considerations.. its 20%

Are these changes permanent?
No, they are fleeting, you will quickly re-raise your character and be back murdering in no time if you are any sort of decent player.

So you actually lose Stats with "Stat Loss"?
Yes, AND you lose skills.

Does this apply only to Reds (PK's) or also Order/Chaos?
It only relates to REDS and SHORT TERM murder coutns. Short term = Affects stat. Long term = Affects what colour you are.

We need more Stat PK's on this shard so please delve deep and live the life of a man. Thank you.

Re: Stat Loss

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:56 pm
by nightshark
formula is just how many shorts u have = % of stat

4 kills = no stat loss
5 kills = 5%
6 kills = 6%
20+ kills = 20%

the actual number of shorts can only be checked through the bounty board (displays short term kills). you can check if you are eligible for stat loss by typing "i must consider my sins". if the text you receive is red, you are in stat loss.