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The kwezt of Guz'Rok

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:38 am
by BardOfLegend
After months of training and hard work, Guz'rok, the Shadowclan gruntee, was finally able to complete the first step in his passage to becoming a Grunt. He challenged one of the current Grunts to a fight, and emerged victorious!! Thus, Guz'rok was sent on his Shadow Kwezt. After being stripped of all his worldly possessions, Guz'rok went forth into Brittania for a 3 day journey to find his destiny within the clan. As Guz'rok wandered aimlessly about the land, he came upon the remains of what looked like a once mighty fort. As he peered at the ruins, and the prowess of the orca that had once called this home, he felt the winds pull him onward. After traveling a time, Guz'rok made camp, to prepare for the next day. It went like that for the next two days, following the call of the winds, each time leading him to a mighty fort of his ancestors. One inside the cave of the Ice dungeon, another outside of Cove, and a third in the lost lands near Delucia . After the third day Guz'rok found himself back in Yew at the fort of the Shadowclan. When he walked into the fort, he knew great things were in store for the Shadowclan. They would surpass the glory of all those previous clans he visited, and Guz'rok would be there on the front lines, Lusk in hand, spilling the blood of the oomies. Hoowah!!!

Re: The kwezt of Guz'Rok

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:47 pm
by Jupiter