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An unexpected IDOC Tower

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:04 pm
by The oOo

While wandering the Windemere Woods I stumbled upon an IDOC Tower being heatedly battled for...

These shots were taken over the course of several hours culminating in a collapse of epic proportions!

No sooner had all the loot been gated out when Mongoose & crew showed up to lay waste to everyone they could find with cries of "Take no prisoners!" and the battle ensued.

Towards the end the battle for the last house spot turned into a reveal-fest that I only survived through my cunning and great skills at staying the hell out of the way!

All in all it it was a nice little evening's adventure!


Re: An unexpected IDOC Tower

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:49 pm
by Capitalist
That was definitely a fun idoc. Watching people die/killing people (3-0 sup sup) + getting all but 1 placement made it even better.