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Lost Treasure of Yew - White Harbor and House of Oor'Tael

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:03 pm
by Jupiter
“Phoenix, have you heard of the lost treasure? Do you know anything about the fabled treasure of the ancient king of Yew?”

Phoenix gave the cloaked traveler rather disgruntled look and delivered a curt and rather regurgitated response: “I am sorry, I have no news at this time.”

Jupiter was actually quite pleased by this response. If the town crier had no knowledge of this object then it was still hidden. He just needed to find the right group of fellows to go in search of the treasure. There were things that he had hidden along with the king’s long forgotten treasure, things he would need in order to ensure that the plans set in motion would not be deterred.

Draco Neone, of White Harbor was running his regular errands in Britain. He hated this city’s façade of lack luster safety that the citizens seemed to worship so recklessly. As he closed his bank box, he turned to step, but noticed he was one stone heavier than he had expected. In a city like this, one would be more apt to worry about being a stone lighter. He rustled in his pocket and found a ring and a note.

“To the ONE who NEver COoperates with DRAgomites ttttxh fffixlp xcllc vvlcytr ….” He puzzled at the odd and incomprehensible message for a moment. At first it appeared to be gibberish, almost written in some dialect of Wispish, which he clearly didn’t understand. But then he noticed the salutation. He smiled as he folded the edges of the letter so that the salutation clearly spelled out his name: “Draco Neone, most venerable treasure hunter and trusted loremaster. I entrust you, and only you with this object and task. Please examine thing ring thoroughly and find out all there is to know about it. Then seek ye out the man named Oafule in Skara Brae. He’ll know what to do.”

Finishing the note, he concealed the ring further down in his satchel. He would be making way for Skara Brae immediately; there would be no need to consult his relic catalogues to verify this object’s origins; This was definitely the ring of the ancient King of Yew.


The spread of wine and cuisine upon all the tables of The Shattered Skull was as uncommon as the collection of strangers gathered together in the wooden dining hall. It had cost him a pretty penny, but it was worth it to keep the local bar patrons occupied while a small group followed Oafule into the back room of the tavern.

Behind closed doors, Oafule proceeded to explain to the group comprised of the bladesmen and women of Oor’tael and White Harbor that the object which Jupiter had delivered to Draco, was a clue to a lost treasure. And as typical, Jupiter had provided no clear reason as to what they were seeking nor why it was as urgent so the only information Oafule could divulge is that there was no guarantee that they would return alive, but their quest would begin by way of the King’s road to Yew. From Yew they would investigate the records at the Empath Abby. After that only fates would write their destinies to be recorded in eternity.

Lydana Stormgald – H*O
Jack Bauer – H*O
Dustin Stone – H*O
Jeff Dunham – H*O
Draco Neone – *F*
Abigail Lafey – *F*
Xandy – *F*
Oafule – *F*