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Application for recruitment + the revival of [DG]!

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 6:10 am
by Griffeth
Character(s) Name(s): Griffeth, Folkan, Caska, Humora ((sir name is "Hawk" for every character))

Preferred Play Style: (EX: PvM or PvP) PVM champs and stuff like that. PVP if defending, and with a grp.

Playing History: I first started playing UO around 2001, on several shards. Only played on official servers once, and that was at my half brothers moms house back in like 1998. It looked to be a really cool game. So fast forward to 2001, I heard of a little program called UOgateway. I played on server Runuo shards even at one time ran my own. AOS was kinda my favored error but modified AOS with no Ethereal mounts. I hate Etheral Mounts more then anything in the whole world, I find them one of the largest ever immersion breaker. I still do this day am unable to father what EA/Origin was thinking by every introducing Etheral mounts. /end rant!

So I have played on UOSA several times never owned a house though, but I have every time I came back made more money, and banked it. Though this time I feel like I am here to stay I would like to carve out a nich in history of the exploits of Griffith and his noble companions. I feel like DG can be those companions!

Time Zone: PST

Usual Online Hours: any time I feel like it, I work from home so I modify my sleeping habbits by how much I am enjoying the game.

Have you thoroughly read DG Guild Rules and do you accept these rules? (Yes or No)YES

Re: Application for recruitment + the revival of [DG]!

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 9:16 am
by Light Shade
Do you use IRC?

Edit: Sees Griffeth signed into IRC at 5:41am CST. :P


Re: Application for recruitment + the revival of [DG]!

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 3:24 pm
by Griffeth
Yes I can use ventrillo, I have it installed. and am active if spoken to.

Re: Application for recruitment + the revival of [DG]!

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 1:18 pm
by Light Shade
Welcome to the guild! :D