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Hello Everyone.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:58 am
by Loode
First id just like to say Hello to everyone in the crossroads tavern, im Loode. after leaving the ea shards a few years back and failing to find a game that sucks me in as much as uo did back when i first played it i decided to try and recapture that magic, and i wound up here. Although i havent played much yet im impressed with the community, which seems to be bigger than europa when i last played it. Anyway i just wanted to say hi and hopefully make a few friends or even find a guild ;)

Re: Hello Everyone.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:19 pm
by SirEricKain
Hail Loode,

Welcome to UOSA, on behalf of this server and my guild Immortal Lords we thank you for coming.

I would love to meet you in-game and consider you to bolster our ranks should you be interested in such a thing.



Re: Hello Everyone.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:52 pm
by Loode
Hail to you, let me know when you are usually online and ill try be there i dont get a huge amount of time over the summer to play, but if you let me know when and where i can find someone to invite me to the guild id be very grateful :D