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GamblinDragon Application

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:51 am
by GamblinDragon
Character Name: GamblinDragon

Type of Character: Archer Mage

Skills: Archery, Tactics, Anatomy, Magery, Eval Intel, Meditation, Resist Spells

RolePlay Experience?: None...At All...Ever......

PvP Experience?: Some, never been PKed. Have PKed before.

Are you a NEW to UO player?: No I have some similar experience in this era from other shards.

Do you have a sponser? If so, who?: Not that I know of.

Race of Character: Human

Character Background: Male, 29. Hometown Moonglow. Father Headmaster of the School of Magery. Mother Chief Librarian of the .

Parents were both accomplished mages but didn't know what to do with their adventurous son. He was always going out into the woods; days at a time with no warning then suddenly "pop" and he was back at the dinner table like nothing happened. The stretches got longer and longer until one day he just never came back.

One day while out in the woods after passing through the moongate he entered a fridged cave and wandered what seemed like days in its depths fending off hordes of ratmen and trying to stay one step ahead of the White Wyrm that dwelt there. Whats worse a ooze creature devoured his bag of regeants. Until eventually he found his way out; but it was not the same way he came in. He was on an island with no way off. After a couple days a group of fishers came sailing down the coast and picked him up. They said they were from Papua, a place he had never heard of. He had somehow ended up in a mysterious and unknown land. Regeants here were scarce and the town was under siege by lizardmen. Knowing full well he couldn't take on a lizardman hand to hand he started practicing the art of Archery. Eventually the town was almost overrun he did something unforgivable by the towns people, he summoned evil creatures, deamons, to fend off the horde. The town was saved but the laws were clear and he was banished.

After years of wandering the Unknown Lands, though battles between snakes and insects, though cities of the dead, and across deserts of titans he made his way to another city, Delucia. While wandering the woods near Delucia he stumbled across a cave full of evil energies. To place the world in balance for his past deeds he entered the cave to smite this evil. After days of fighting he came across a light and exited to a fimilar sight. The great walls of Trinsic. There were even better than in the books back at Moonglow!

From here he heard great tales of Dupre and his adventures destroying evil across the lands and knew that he had to join his ranks. So now he a member of the Trinsic Honor Guard protecting Britian from evil.

Personality: Due to being alone on many of his adventures being quick on your feet and saying what you mean without tact is second nature. Believes in doing what needs to be done in order to get the job done, period. Understands that some planing in necissary but also knows that planing cannot cover everything and improvisation is where true strength lies. Hates the diplomatic approach of "lets talk about the problem until it goes away."

How did you hear of the THG?: I joined the shard and immediatly saw a group of 5+ come out of a gate at Brit bank from a Destard run.

WHY do you wish to join the THG?: I like the organization because more can be accomplished and the comradery cannot be surpassed.