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Spawn In House

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:25 pm
by CRockwell
I recently purchased a house and I am getting quite a few monsters that spawn in it. First it was simply Gargoyles, now I noticed Ettins as well. At first I liked it but now they are just messing up the place and I have died on occasion not paying attention. What can be done?

I thought at one point I had read a forum post that stated in the past GMs may have added spawn to certain locations and it may need to be turned off in a tile in my house? True no? Most likely question for Derrick I assume or at the very least someone in the know. Not a huge deal but annoying when those monsters decide to start cleaning up my mess.

Re: Spawn In House

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:32 pm
by Apocalypse
Had this problem a while back with my old keep. Here's the thread: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=41303

Below is the solution in my case. Sounds like yours might be the same thing. I contacted Derrick on IRC and he fixed it for me.
Apocalypse wrote:Problem solved!!!

Spoke with Derrick on IRC today and he stopped by to check it out. Apparently there was a spawner near the keep which had an unusual setting.

If anyone is interested, here is what was discovered:

If I understand correctly, the spawner was very old (placed 3+ years ago) and was put there by one of the staff guys who did a bunch of their dungeon spawners. There was a setting on it that told the spawner to ignore obstructions (like on the dungeon spawners), which is typically not the case for spawners in areas where housing can exist. Derrick kindly fixed the setting and moved the spawner into the woods a bit.

I'll be on the lookout for any more random spawns in the keep, but until then, I'm thinking it should be fixed. YAY!!!

Re: Spawn In House

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:40 pm
by CRockwell
Thanks Apoc...certainly sounds like the same thing. I will contact Derrick.