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Orc Hunt!

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:51 pm
by Vishakt
*an orc runs up to the Empath Abbey and nails a scribbled on deer hide to the door*

"What on earth does it say?" a curious Yew-ite (?) asks.

An old man, using both a gnarled staff and the walls of the abbey to keep him upright, begins to smile.

"It is a challenge from the orcs. More for their entertainment than for yours I suspect, but something I suspect people will take interest in."

"Spit it out old man". The first man doesn't seem very patient. "Why is it old people must be so damn slow?"

Smiling a bit more now, the elder man continues. "The orcs state that they managed, although I can't imagine how, to put a 20,000 gold bounty on one of their own. He will be dressed in golden ringmail to make him stand out from the crowd. He may wonder about but will likely be found near the Shadowclan orc fort while wearing the golden armor. The end of the skribbles I believe are a bunch of insults and curses and poo is rubbed all over it, a delightful touch I must say."

Pulling his sword from his scabbard the first man throws the old guy a pouch with a few coins in it and heads off, presumably to make some easy money.

"I'm starting a pool", yells the old man. "I give that man 20-1 odds on returning alive with the proper head. Who will take me up on it."

WHEN: Now.
WHERE: Most likely in or near the Yew Orc Fort.
WHAT: Orcish game of manhunt. We will see which of us is best cut out for survival. You can make some easy loot. We intend to set up new bounties on a regular basis, but we'll see how this goes before finalizing how often.

Happy hunting!

Re: Orc Hunt!

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:56 pm
by misterwhirly
how do you say "bump" in Orcish?

Re: Orc Hunt!

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:19 am
by Vishakt
The orc in golden armor is still going strong 4 days later. We've had a few visitors when he wasn't around and a couple have fallen to him 1v1.

Re: Orc Hunt!

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:32 am
by memememe
Well hello there!

I was just looking for humans to kill when I ran into one of these foul orcs scaring away my prey!

Mere seconds after I killed this first evil, a second one showed up. This one seemed to be a mightier orc, for he was dressed in gold, shooting arrows at me with great precision, unless I somehow missed a 2nd bow, he nearly killed me in 3 shots with a simple exceptional bow!
But in the end, he was no match for this mighty hero[ish murderer] and joined this brother in the pits of hell.
goldenorc.jpg (77.13 KiB) Viewed 3825 times

I'm not sure if you actually posted the bounty on the orc via the in game system or if I gotta find one of you to give the head to. Hopefully the second option, as a) I'm perma and can't turn in heads and b) I fought some blue when the golden orc showed up again, so I recalled out to switch to my blue, but when I got back neither one of them was there, not sure either if the blue killed (and handed in the head) the orc after me or not. But if that's the case I'll still have the glory of the first kill!

Re: Orc Hunt!

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:08 am
by Vishakt
He PM'd me about his death. I hadn't considered the red angle. We set the bounty up in game. Since it is confirmed I think we may kill him, claim the bounty and pay you in game.

Well done!

Re: Orc Hunt!

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:14 am
by Menkaure
This golden orc idea is just awesome Vishakt. If you will be in game any time later tonight pm me, I want to donate to the caust to make this guy a freakin juggernaut.

Re: Orc Hunt!

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:43 am
by Dumluk
da blu humie nub clomp me
da burnt humie "me" clomp me agh tayk me hed asht

Re: Orc Hunt!

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:34 pm
by Vishakt
Hoowah tu awl dat!!!

Ash) memememememe kum tu furt laytur. Vish gib lat de shinies.

Dub) de neggzt urk wyll kum en kubbul ob muunz. Uz wyll announz kolor ob urmur den.

Re: Orc Hunt!

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:26 pm
by memememe
Menkaure wrote:This golden orc idea is just awesome Vishakt. If you will be in game any time later tonight pm me, I want to donate to the caust to make this guy a freakin juggernaut.

Yea, I think it's a super cool idea as well. Best part is that I didn't even know about it, I only got a link to this thread cause I talked about the encounter in IRC.
Got a lil nerdchills right there, this is one of the reasons this 15 year old game blows any modern mmorpgs out of the water.

Even though I'm usually not the rp kinda guy at all, I'm probably gonna leave my mount at home the next time I swing by the fort. Jousting is a lil unfair in a 1on1 as it's too easy to cheese it up (though on the other hand, this "champion" orc may be powerful enough to ride a mighty bloodthirsty nightmare mount, a fine reward by itself if one managed to down the foul rider!). Might have just been the time of the day I was on though, I'm sure he's usually got more lesser orcs around him to give an adventurer more trouble.
Though I was really amazed at the damage that bow dished out! Didn't think too much of it and nearly ate dust for my recklessness.

I really gotta applaud you orcs for thinking of little "events" like this one. I sadly missed your earlier dungeon crawls, which makes this chance encounter even more fun for me.
Hope there's more where this came from!