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Hi guys!

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:39 am
by AshamedTamer
I'm AshamedTamer, otherwise known on my bard as Sarazai. I am a mostly PvM player and am looking for a guild of nice people to join up with. I am not "new" to uosa but I have not played in a very long time. I have a 7x GM tamer, a 7x GM bard, a 7x GM dexxer and a 7x GM swords mage. I am not great at pvp but would love to learn how to duel. I don't PK because I am bad at it and I don't like when I get pked.

If you guys are interested in meeting me please pm me or post back on this thread. I will reply as soon as possible. Being that I know how UOSA is I must say that I do not ask for hand outs. Once again, I just want nice people to be around while I play.

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night and I look forward to hearing from you soon!!!
