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Hello from Kara / Voltaire

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:10 pm
by Kara
Just joined, thought I'd drop a note here...

I'm east coast US, and I usually play after my 2yr old son goes to bed around 9pm.

If I'm on before then, I'm usually afk macroing all day. After I get home from work I occasionally do some casual things like buy reagents, but I generally don't focus on anything too intense until my kid goes to bed.

I played UO from launch until the summer of 2000. I was already bored of UO by then, after the world was split I lost interest like so many others. It doesn't help that my friend forgot to refresh my house while I was out of the country for more than 2 weeks and I lost everything, though I didn't really have much in hindsight.

I went on to play Anarchy Online for 2 years running a guild called "Adeptus Astartes - Dark Angels." then joined EVE Online where I played for 10 years in the same corporation "BIG" ( I only left when my son was born as I didn't have time anymore to devote it. I was essentially second in command of BIG, and during my time there I had met over 13 members IRL from Spain to Finland. I attended EVE FanFest in Iceland in 06 and 07.

So I was without MMORPGs for about 2 years until I discovered UOSA and was instantly hooked again. In the first 4 weeks my characters were better that the ones I spent 5 years working on back in the 90's. Within 3 months I had accomplished many things I was never able to previously - namely having a GM blacksmith. Funny how much better I am at MMORPG's now that I've been playing them for 20 years.

My characters:
Kara - PVM Pure mage w/provocation
Voltaire - PVM Dexxer w/parrying
Oppenheimer- GM smith, working on GM in tailoring, carpentry, tinkering, cooking and bowcraft.
Marie Curie - GM scribe, working on GM alchemy, poisoning. Also a backup PVM mage for Voltaire.
Andrei Sakharov - Tamer in training.
Fermi - Stealth miner and lumberjack.

Meitner - Sweatshop worker (tailoring for fancy shirts)
Kurchatov - Sweatshop worker (tailoring for fancy shirts)

My house is just up the road from the guild house - a 2 story along the road north-east of the guild castle.

Re: Hello from Kara / Voltaire

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:30 pm
by Capitalist
Hello, welcome.