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PVP Tourney Idea (with GM help)

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:08 am
by arnoldi
There is a way to kill two birds with one stone by adding some fun and usefulness to char templates and new VERY rare status symbol. It won't mess with game mechanics and is still true to the spirit of T2A.

Here are my ideas for a pvp tournament.

The tourney winner has their name and title changed from blue (or red) to gold for a set time. Of course everyone can see your name and title :)
There would be template specific divisions, mage, warrior, tamer, freestyle/open, and maybe 2v2 as well.

Divisions (disclaimer: I'm terrible at thinking up good titles)
Mage - no weapons, spellbook in hand at all times, - title and name in gold "Legendary Mage"
Tamer - one pet, one mount - if either pet or combatant dies its over - title and name in gold "Dragon Master"
Warrior - no magery - any weapon or combination of weapon and shield - title and name in gold "Warlord"
Freestyle/Open - any skill and style permissible - title and name in gold "Grand Champion"
team - 2 v 2 freestyle pvp - title and name in gold "Group Champion"

The winner is still treated like a blue. No special benefits other than the look and status.
The unique name and title is held for 1 month and must defended to keep.
The tourney is held once a month at set time, champs must defend or vacate title.
Winner also receives a sash or half apron with chars name - can only be worn by that char.
Reds can win and they won't be murderers "gold title" while champ.
If the char becomes red or if a red murders while champ the title is vacated.
Each char provides any armor/weaps/rings, organizer to provide pots, regs, and bandaids.
A preset number of pots, regs, and/or bandaids will be given to the player at the beginning of the fight, with the exception of open/freestyle division.

So what do you think?

Re: PVP Tourney Idea (with GM help)

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:10 pm
by Kaivan
While this is is certainly an interesting suggestion, I don't think that we need more incentives for participating in PvP tournaments than what we currently provide. Those who participate are already rewarded in the same way that those who participate in other events are rewarded (with silver), which is a fair and reasonable level of compensation.