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UOAM poll: Fix for Windows 7 HOME Premium not showing houses

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 11:37 am
by Pringles
My UOAM shows no houses at all. The only way for me to see houses is
to manually add every single house to the file. :(

The build-in UO map works better than UOAM:


Is anyone willing to put their file up for download? Then the
people who are having issues with UOAM, can load that file into UOAM.
It is okay if the file isn't up-to-date. I think no one would mind
adjusting a few houses, aslong they don't have too manually add them all!


Re: UOAM poll and request for help

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 11:57 am
by Roser
I'm not sure why I don't get the houses. The method for enabling this doesn't seem to work anymore.

Re: UOAM poll and request for help

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:48 pm
by Rammar
Try running it as an administrator. Pretty sure the install directory (same as the map directory) is write protected normally on newer versions of windows.

Re: UOAM poll and request for help

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:54 pm
by Pringles
Rammar wrote:Try running it as an administrator. Pretty sure the install directory (same as the map directory) is write protected normally on newer versions of windows.
Tried this, doesn't solve issue.

Re: UOAM poll and request for help

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 4:20 pm
by Patek
Few things to try:

- As has been mentioned make sure the directory UOAM is in isn't Read-Only. This goes for the sub-directories and the file thats storing houses itself as well.
- Try make a new file in the "files" tab and then go to the "UOAssist" tab and change the file its writing to the new one.
- Try deleting and re-installing the same UOAM. Then try the newer UOAM if that doesnt work.
- Ensure UOAM and Razor have compatibility mode (XP3) and admin mode enabled on the shortcuts you're using to launch them.

If you've tried all of the above then im a tad stumped, but i'll look into it if it still isnt working.

Re: UOAM poll and request for help

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 11:24 am
by Pringles
Patek wrote:Few things to try:

- As has been mentioned make sure the directory UOAM is in isn't Read-Only. This goes for the sub-directories and the file thats storing houses itself as well.

I think this is the issue I am having. I am using windows 7 and for some reason I am unable to remove the Read-Only setting on the UOAM folder (my account has admin rights). I thought removing it out of Program files directory and putting on a different partition would help, but no. The folder is Read-Only and stays Read-Only no matter what I do.

I tried using attrib -r -s on the folder (ups map is dutch for folder haha)
I tried giving all user accounts full privilege to change settings to UOAM folder
I tried installing everything and then copying it to a FAT32 partition (someone said that that would remove the read-only settings)
I tried everything again on the hidden Administrator acccount of Windows with no luck at all.

Any tips Patek?

Re: UOAM poll and request for help

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:46 pm
by ReptilianLover
Why don't you just recreate the folder structure manually then copy the files into the folders individually?

Re: UOAM poll and request for help

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 4:06 pm
by a nerd
You may need to take ownership of the item -folder-. <at a deeper level than simply having Read/Write> then kill it.

You can use takeown at an admin cmd prompt, or google takeown and find the registry patch that will put a take owership entry from a right click menu.

also have you Run from cmd:

chkdsk c: /f
then Y


Re: UOAM poll and request for help

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:47 am
by Pringles
ReptilianLover: I tried, but failed (still keeps being Read-Only). Am gonna try to copy the entire UOAM directory from
someone else's computer in the coming week, maybe that works.

a nerd: tried the takeown, did not work. UOAM folder still Read-Only and unable to change.
Haven't tried checkdisk yet tho, because I reïnstalled my whole computer.


Re: UOAM poll and request for help

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:57 am
by Mistero76
Pringles wrote:ReptilianLover: I tried, but failed (still keeps being Read-Only). Am gonna try to copy the entire UOAM directory from
someone else's computer in the coming week, maybe that works.

a nerd: tried the takeown, did not work. UOAM folder still Read-Only and unable to change.
Haven't tried checkdisk yet tho, because I reïnstalled my whole computer.

have you tried to reinstall UOAM directly on another partition/folder?
I'm on win7 and it allowed me to uncheck the read only box, but I have it installed on another HD than the OS one.

Re: UOAM poll and request for help

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:11 pm
by Mistero76
update, UOAM doesn't show any house or nearly that, so my vote have to move from second option to third.

Re: UOAM poll and request for help

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:24 pm
by Pringles
Thanks to Raistlin, I found the solution to solve this UOAM not showing houses issue! All hail to Raistlin!

My windows system: Windows 7 HOME Premium

This is how you solve the issue of UOAM not showing the houses:

1) Delete/Remove UOAM from your pc.

2) Reïnstall it

3) Make UOAM compatible with Windows XP servive pack 3 and check run as admin box

3) Open Razor and login (1 account)

4) Open UOAM (Single Client) and install Felucca maps

5) now the important one: DO NOT INSTALL ANY TRAMMEL MAPS

TADA should work now as it should!

PS: my UO files and Razor files are as default, just in C:\Program Files (X86),
if yours aren't then you should check UOAM > Map > UO client date file location

Thanks everyone who tried to help me fix this issue!


Re: UOAM poll and request for help

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 9:28 pm
by Pringles
Additional information:

Razor version
I thought I was using latest Razor, but after "a nerd" asked me my version I saw to my suprice that I am using Razor v1.0.12 and not Razor v1.0.14.

Razor v1.0.12 came with the download package of the server. (I guess I forgot to update it after I reïnstalled my computer for the third time).

v1.0.12 stores all razor macros etc in the directory of razor. v1.0.14 does not, it stores your macros etc under your user account (appdata > roaming > razor).

Right now still not done mapping all the houses. When I have, I will update to latest Razor and see what happens.

Re: UOAM poll: Fix for Windows 7 HOME Premium not showing ho

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:20 pm
by a nerd
Hi. My hair is now even more grey. 6 hours later here...

The updated Razor ver does not allow UOAM 9 Multi to update "houses".
It doesn't seem to be able to "see" that a house is there, so you walk by one, and it deletes it from the map. It slowly emptied my house map. Neither will it add a newly placed house, or one it just hasn't seen before.

I have not tested any other UOGamers versions - .

I have restored old backups of Razor and 1.0.13.

They both work perfectly as far as: Deleting no longer standing houses, Adding new houses: Smalls, Larges or Keep/castles. Map updates as it should.

..and it's consistent. I can delete a Razor 1.0.14 install directory c:\program files(x86)\Razor\
and copy over a 1.0.11 or 1.0.13 backup directory, and log back in, and it's fine. Atrribs are the same Security settings same.

I can only conclude that UOGamers broke UOAM compatibility somewhere in the the 1.0.14.* updates.
Really not motivated to test other 14's tonight.

Oh yeah.

I'm currently on WIN10, client stock. UOAM 9 <auto>

Re: UOAM poll: Fix for Windows 7 HOME Premium not showing ho

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:27 pm
by a nerd
Posted this issue over at

Looks like they are aware of it.

EOS: This is a result of the new handling of multis in the SA+ packets. We will fix it in an upcoming release. :)

Thank you for letting us know!