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Application for URK Fort Improvement

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 12:26 pm
by Kraarug
Improvement to the Orc Fort Mechanics:

On the table is a suggestion to convert the Bloodrock Orc fort to behave as it were a private house for the purpose of promoting events and other RP situations.

Warning signs would be posted near the area informing players of the vulnerability to attack.

Also, I’d like to propose some type of system message further informing all players of the dangers of the grounds.

Perhaps something like this in a colored font when first stepping on the grounds…

"Venturing in these areas may not be good for your health. You are vulnerable to ATTACK!"

The Bloodrock Clan has a long multi-shard, multi-game history and I hope that the reputation of those that came before me as well as our current players are considered when weighing out the benefits of the proposal.

Re: Application for URK Fort Improvement

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 6:03 pm
by son
Makes sense. The urks own that property, so why not? Any trespassers in my house get the axe!

Re: Application for URK Fort Improvement

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 8:47 pm
by BlackFoot
this would be incredible boost to ability of orcs to play out their chars


Re: Application for URK Fort Improvement

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 9:22 pm
by Eulogy
Where would said proposed area be? Within the fort walls only? I'd hope so.
It still seems like its a bit too much.

Re: Application for URK Fort Improvement

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 3:55 am
by Kraarug
Eulogy wrote:Where would said proposed area be? Within the fort walls only? I'd hope so.
It still seems like its a bit too much.
It's really no different that playing in house.

Presently, we all know what the fort is used for so there's not denial of use issue.

If someone comes to the fort they know that chances are the orcs will be there and there most likely will be some fighting if trybute isn't paid.

It's really not much different than a player going to some guilds tower, keep, or castle.

Please help me understand reasons for resistance.

Re: Application for URK Fort Improvement

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:29 am
by Clark_Kent
This is a bit of a stretch for myself as well, I find decorations in the area to be warning enough that I'm in a not-so-nice area.

I vote no on this improvement until I see a more legitimate call for this.

Re: Application for URK Fort Improvement

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 10:37 am
by BlackFoot
turn on/off for events

Re: Application for URK Fort Improvement

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 2:18 pm
by Cataclyst
Clark_Kent wrote:This is a bit of a stretch for myself as well, I find decorations in the area to be warning enough that I'm in a not-so-nice area.

I vote no on this improvement until I see a more legitimate call for this.

More legitamate call? Here you go, I don't see how anyone can have resistance when prevented with such an awesome following comment!? Ready!?

The awesome event that you guys loved so much the other day, and got trophies for, some of you might of been pked, some of you might of got some nice loot, what the majority of Urks got

Was Statloss



and alot of counts to the point where one couldn't even res to get his trophy

All we really need, is for it to be on during events, that is it. What this provides for everyone else is, Urks willing to participate in more events.. more opposition during events.. more hosting of said events.. without worrying about going red.

The people who counted during an EVENT, need to just not goto events anymore, it's pretty lame, and if you don't expect to die when going up against 11 Urks and a bunch of Urk NPCS, then you need to play WoW =(.

What that means for the Urks who had gone red/stat loss, is that at the expense of trying to have a great event, for the sole purpose of fun, for the next few days.. they don't get to play there characters, at all.

Re: Application for URK Fort Improvement

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 2:23 pm
by Deus Atamada
Orcs have never been given this privilage. Orcs are supposed to be RED. Orcs do not need this, nor will anyone but the orcs benafit from it. I encourage rp. But i rp a murderer, so im asking that everyone in brittania is supposed to be gray in order for me to role play with out consiqueces.

Re: Application for URK Fort Improvement

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 2:30 pm
by Cataclyst
Your logic isn't making your case my friend. We're not asking for this to be perma. on, we're just asking that this could be something enabled/disabled for the events, it'd be a really lame event if the orcs all took a bunch of counts, then all died.. then what would there be to kill? You'd have All the players who were supposed to be defending the fort & axe, out of comission, if you guys wanted to PvM I'm sure you guys would of been PvMing.

Re: Application for URK Fort Improvement

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 2:41 pm
by Safir
As of now, I've voted no, but once the official request is changed for this to be temporary during events of sorts, I'll immediately change it to yes.

Re: Application for URK Fort Improvement

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 5:46 pm
by Clark_Kent
Safir wrote:As of now, I've voted no, but once the official request is changed for this to be temporary during events of sorts, I'll immediately change it to yes.

Re: Application for URK Fort Improvement

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 7:42 pm
by Ne'rull
Deus Atamada wrote:Orcs have never been given this privilage. Orcs are supposed to be RED. Orcs do not need this, nor will anyone but the orcs benafit from it. I encourage rp. But i rp a murderer, so im asking that everyone in brittania is supposed to be gray in order for me to role play with out consiqueces.

Oh, are Orcs SUPPOSE to be RED?! in what John Ronald Reuel Tolkien book does it say that we are SUPPOSE to be red? Anyway, you are referring to the Shadow-clan Orcs. Why do you think the Shadow-clan are not here? Because they were Red on Siege, where there was no stat loss for being red. Perhaps you should think a bit stronger before boldly stating Orcs are suppose to be red. We're from Great Lakes. We war everyone. If we go into stat loss we can't just go on Orcish killing sprees and continue doing so without a consequence. If you encouraged role-playing then you wouldn't tell us what we're SUPPOSE to be.

I think the application for the Urk fort improvement should make everybody gray even the orcs.


Re: Application for URK Fort Improvement

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 4:32 am
by Safir
Ne'rull wrote:I think the application for the Urk fort improvement should make everybody gray even the orcs.
This would also be a good option, still during event of course.

Re: Application for URK Fort Improvement

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 10:32 am
by MatronDeWinter
I think this sounds good, even without a shard-event. It's the orc fort, it's pretty well known that you have no business there unless you bring some gold or a horse for them to eat. The fort is their "home" and as such, I feel that it should be treated the same way as if I were to lure someone into my home. It does not effect anyone else, only those at the orc fort.