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How do these spells work?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:17 am
by Eldarth
Reactive Armor - What does it do?
Protection/Arch Protection - Does it add only armor?
Cure/Arch Cure - Is there a better chance to cure a poison with Arche Cure, or what's the deal with that spell?
Mind Blast - What is the damage based on?
Meteor Swarm/Chain Lightning - Is it like : more targets = less dmg per target?

If somebody has a little time to explain, I'd be glad.
Thanks, Eldarth.

Re: How do these spells work?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:36 am
by MatronDeWinter
Reactive Armor - What does it do?
It reflects a bit of the damage you take (via melee) back to your attacker, basically it's used to prevent the first 1 or 2 melee attacks from doing significant damage to you.

Protection/Arch Protection - Does it add only armor?
It increases the liklihood that you are not interupted when casting a spell. Arch does the same thing, over an area.

Cure/Arch Cure - Is there a better chance to cure a poison with Arche Cure, or what's the deal with that spell?
Some people spam Arch cure when they have a level 4/5/6 poison, but Im not sure that it does any better than regular cure, other than that it targets an area of targets. This can get you in trouble if you accidentally target a grey in town for instance. If your about to die of poisoning I guess it's worth a shot? But greater cure pots are the way to go.

Mind Blast - What is the damage based on?
This is supposed to be something like the casters intelegence vs the intel of the target, that formula had something to do with the damage. Later in UO:R (not here) it was adjusted to do damage based on how unever peoples stats were. It became a favorite spell then and people started creating stats with even STR/DEX/INT to prevent it. I would just forget this spell even exists here in T2A-land and not use it. Unless you find a scroll on a mob-corpse and you want to cast some free damage without wasting regs..

Meteor Swarm/Chain Lightning - Is it like : more targets = less dmg per target?
The damage is spread out over the targets. Suppose Meteor swarm does 100 damage (it doesnt), if you cast it on one target, it will do 100, if you target 2 targets it will do 50 damage, and so on..... I'm fairly sure chain lightening works the same way. These spells CAN cast through walls if you target the tile by the wall and there is something on the other side within range. (people housekill with these spells)

Before it's asked, Earthquake, takes a percentage of every target in the area (pretty much the whole 800x600 screen) hitpoints. So if 5 people are there with 100 hits, this will reduce them to 50 hits each. If you cast it again, they get brought down to 25, followed by 12.5 and so on. It is important to note that EQ cannot actually kill anything, if the target has 1 hp, then you will do no damage.

EQ has 2 sinister uses outside the obvious "hit everything on screen" use.

1.) If you are macroing in your house, at a distance from the wall that disallows someone to kill you from outside with chain lightening/Meteor. People can EQ you all the way down to 1 hitpoint. This becomes a problem if you are macroing a skill where you are taking damage, for instance if you are sparring inside, they can EQ you down to 1hp, where you will likely kill yourself.

2.) Not sure if this is completely viable now with the adjusted spell timers. But it used to be (probably still is if you "fast cast") possible to cast Explosion, followed by casting earthquake and then arming your weapon (obviously this is a cheap tank-mage strat) and charging an opponent. The result would be that the EQ hits before the explode and takes 50% health, followed by the explosion (another 20-30 damage) and then your weapon. There is a good chance that this would kill you if it is not reflected, or you miss your swing. The other alternative to this, is to cast explode and right before the targeting cursor comes up, you use an explosion potion and then cancel the cursor. The result is you have a ticking potion in your backpack and the cursot for explosion is up. You then target the explosion, cast EQ, click the same explosion potion and target your victim, then equip weapon and charge, and the person would almost always instantly die if timed right. Nasty stuff.

Re: How do these spells work?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 8:53 am
by RoadKill
Protection/Arch Protection - Does it add only armor?
It increases the liklihood that you are not interupted when casting a spell. Arch does the same thing, over an area.
That's not how it works here. That's how it worked in post UOR:

Protection/Arch protection provide a temporary boost to AR, I beleive you can get +10 per, and they should stack (but they don't seem to do that here, so maybe I'm wrong about them stacking during T2A, at one point you could get +20AR by using both spells)

Re: How do these spells work?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 8:54 am
by Eldarth
All right great, thx for explanation guys. I got the picture. :-)

Matron: I am not a PvPer, but thanks for the tips, it's quite interesting those combos hehe. But I'm not really into killing chars. <3

Re: How do these spells work?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 11:21 am
by slida
Arch cure works better than cure for the nastier poisons.

Re: How do these spells work?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 1:45 am
by macil22
MatronDeWinter - I thought Meteor and Chain lightning worked a bit differently. Instead of dmg / # of targets I believe it is (dmg * 2) / # of targets.

So if meteor would do 100 to 1 person, it would do 100 each to 2 people and 50 each to 4 people.

So they are good to use for 2-3 targets but not so great if there are several people.

Maybe someone can confirm or deny this?

Re: How do these spells work?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 3:54 am
by MatronDeWinter
macil22 wrote:MatronDeWinter - I thought Meteor and Chain lightning worked a bit differently. Instead of dmg / # of targets I believe it is (dmg * 2) / # of targets.

So if meteor would do 100 to 1 person, it would do 100 each to 2 people and 50 each to 4 people.

So they are good to use for 2-3 targets but not so great if there are several people.

Maybe someone can confirm or deny this?
I said "Suppose Meteor swarm does 100 damage (it doesnt)"
You are right, it's good vs 2-3 targets, and also it can really mess up 1 person, (but it costs alot of mana, and could potentially get you a murder count). More than 3 and it's a waste. This is why MS session work so well for resist gains.