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Is it me, or did Armor break a lot faster to macers on OSI?

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 10:55 pm
by Altay
I'm not 100% concrete on this, but I do remember that Armor, particularly shields broke A LOT faster to macers back on OSI. I remember this because I always used a shield on my char back then and macers would break them rather quickly in a fight. I'd go through 2 shields at times during a single fight against a macer. Armor broke a lot faster to. Here on Second Age, as a macer, I've never broken a piece of armor on my opponents or even a shield! Warhammers in particular were especially destructive to armor.

Any thoughts?

Re: Is it me, or did Armor break a lot faster to macers on OSI?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 12:41 am
by Kaivan
This is something that has been discussed in brief in house. We do know that traditional armor damage was very low (on the demo it took about 5 hours of the guard whacking me at high speeds to break the shirt that was being worn, and the shirt only had 34 hp), however it is known that macing weapons are supposed to add extra damage to the armor that they hit at a rate of half of the absorption rate of the armor that absorbed the damage, every time they hit. Generally speaking, this translated into smashed shields and armor in a long melee combat fight. I don't personally know how we have it set up here at the moment, but it should be set up so that mace fighters receive the armor damage bonus.

Edited to correct my mistake involving armor durability damage.

Re: Is it me, or did Armor break a lot faster to macers on OSI?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 8:43 am
by tekai
Pretty sure that armor busting didnt really become powerful until UOR when the lumberjack ect changes went live.

Re: Is it me, or did Armor break a lot faster to macers on OSI?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 10:13 am
by RoadKill
I remember armor being broken fairly often, shields broke a lot quicker when you fought people with parrying because the shield was taking the damage a majority of the time (rather than when you're in a full suit of armor w/o a shield, where random pieces of armor take damage)

Armor busting did occur during T2A, UO:R's lumberjacking addition had no real effect on it, though a "crushing blow" (from war hammer) did do double damage to armor's durability I believe

Re: Is it me, or did Armor break a lot faster to macers on OSI?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 11:30 am
by Bakishwaka
RoadKill wrote:I remember armor being broken fairly often, shields broke a lot quicker when you fought people with parrying because the shield was taking the damage a majority of the time (rather than when you're in a full suit of armor w/o a shield, where random pieces of armor take damage)

Armor busting did occur during T2A, UO:R's lumberjacking addition had no real effect on it, though a "crushing blow" (from war hammer) did do double damage to armor's durability I believe

lumberjacking/mining bonuses DID make armor break a lot more but it still happened frequently back in the day. i seem to remember EARLY t2a had very few swordsman amongst the "l337 pvp" crew (of which i also wanted to be and never was)

let it be said though that i have no info/proof to back that up, just a memory which has admittedly been through more than 10 years of heavy drinking since
most were fencers for speed of dp hits or macers for stamina/armor dropping

Re: Is it me, or did Armor break a lot faster to macers on OSI?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 3:24 pm
by Charles Darwin
I also recall macers breaking the hell out of armor.

But what about the whole "crushing blow" thing, when was that implemented?

Re: Is it me, or did Armor break a lot faster to macers on OSI?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 3:51 pm
by Kraarug
Charles Darwin wrote:I also recall macers breaking the hell out of armor.

But what about the whole "crushing blow" thing, when was that implemented?
UO:R It was one of the first 'tekken like' moves.

Re: Is it me, or did Armor break a lot faster to macers on OSI?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 4:21 pm
by Kaivan
Its unlikely that there was any difference with respect to armor breaking with respect to lumberjacking (damage done to armor was a function of how much damage it absorbed, and that did not change when lumberjacking went in). As for the crushing blow mechanic, it was added in with the introduction of UOR.

Re: Is it me, or did Armor break a lot faster to macers on OSI?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 4:53 pm
by Har Har
Kaivan wrote:Its unlikely that there was any difference with respect to armor breaking with respect to lumberjacking (damage done to armor was a function of how much damage it absorbed, and that did not change when lumberjacking went in). As for the crushing blow mechanic, it was added in with the introduction of UOR.
correct me if I'm wrong, but when lumberjacking went in, you got a damage bonus for having that Gm'd to axes. If you are doing more damage, wouldn't the armor be absorbing more damage thus breaking faster?

Re: Is it me, or did Armor break a lot faster to macers on OSI?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 5:21 pm
by Kaivan
I should correct myself, I had briefly skimmed over the statements at the bottom of the weapons listing page and had correctly misinterpreted the extra armor damage that macing did to armor as a more generalized effect that all weapons had on armor. There is actually a page under stratics that lists the expected kinds of durability loss that you will receive when dealing with weapons of a particular manner. The page can be found here. In a nutshell, no type of weaponry actually had a higher than expected damage rate to armor except mace fighting.

The interesting thing about the information in the above page is that each type of "attack" was considered more effective against particular types of armor based on the kind of armor that was struck. Oddly enough, fire based damage which is only received from particular kinds of spells is also listed as detrimental to the durability of armor. Given that listing, it would also suggest that spells were also randomly assigned body parts to strike when targeting a person.

Re: Is it me, or did Armor break a lot faster to macers on OSI?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 7:04 pm
by Altay
I'm glad I brought this up. I actually rolled up my Mace Fighter for the sole purpose of bashing armor. Makes it easier to kill someone in a gank with two macers. I totally remember hating macers back on OSI because I lost so many shields to them. I actually caved in back then and switched to mace fighting. My 'peak' experience with breaking equipment was when I broke someone's phoenix helmet :D.

Re: Is it me, or did Armor break a lot faster to macers on OSI?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 9:45 pm
by Derrick
There was a pretty valid complaint a few months ago that armow and weapons were breaking extremely fast, and all durability was raised after a lengthy discussion. We may have overshot some

However, macing should be extremely detrimental to armor, and was believed to be. I'll look into this. this may be a side-effect of the corrections to parry that were made not long ago.

Re: Is it me, or did Armor break a lot faster to macers on OSI?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 4:10 am
by Charles Darwin
Derrick wrote:However, macing should be extremely detrimental to armor, and was believed to be. I'll look into this. this may be a side-effect of the corrections to parry that were made not long ago.

Alright! Excellent :D