Dragons and PVP ?

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Dragons and PVP ?

Post by Shivers »

Storm wrote:
Loathed wrote:i love it, pvp is why i still play uo. It's a rush without the bad side effects of drugs. :)

however - talking smack after para spamming and killing with as many dragons/wyrms as you can is lame imho. yeah you won - talk shit if you actually win without 4 or more dragons. in any case, i'll see you all on the field.
hopefully Mr. T will get back to me on some things and I can get legends to come and join me with some fun :) Legends is a guild I was in on many other servers, and yeah we roll tight. better get that resist up!

more crying... it never stops... :lol:
You really cant become more pathetic huh Storm ? Honestly i didnt pvp'ed much on the server since i joined because of you. Personally i dont understand Why it is legal to pvp with dragons , as it is totally unfair to others.

Pvp is Player Versus Player. A fair combat for me is 1 person against another. The fact that you make 4x more kills with your dragons that with your chars completly removes any fun someone could have with pvp'ing on the server. this is not crying , its just common sense , and im really tired to see someone stupid as you havin' such a advantage with his dragons , While people on the server still tried to get their char together.

The fact that You do it in town (Chaos vs Order ) is even more stupid. Why would i join Chaos or Order when i should expect to get unfair fight like this ? thats why i never joined any , and i will probably never will because of that fact.

Earlier this week i heard you talking about low population lately on the server (IRC). Well im sad to learn you that you are probably the main reason why people quit this server , and no , this isnt about "greif". It's more about the fact that people realise that if they want to have a fair fight with you , they have to train a tamer and bring 4 dragons.

I personally know some people who quited for that , and i will not blame them , as i understand fully why they do it. We play here mainly to build up chars for pvp purpose. then we realise that pvp = Dragons for most of the people here ( Weed , Euph , Storm ).

I ask a real Discussion on this matter as i feel that it drives alot of people away. Dragons should only serve in PVM , And PVM ONLY. ( even if i do personally think that dragons should never be tamed but thats another story)

My point ; Dragons should Be Illegal in PVP. You could be reported for using Dragons in PVP. In the event wich a tamer would get attacked , he could defend himself with his dragons , but without the all kill command. ( ALL Guard. )

I know that this post will probably brings alot of comment , So all stay polite and civilized please ? ( No insults ; as it dosesnt bring us anywhere. )
Last edited by Shivers on Sat May 10, 2008 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dragons and PVP ?

Post by Zanshin »

with like 15 ppl on all the time.. with triple client on.. theres just nothing to do, the guy get killed his tamer he get on his like 4 other character gg rly, is easy to abuse some shard starting it, i remember in the old t2a, the difficulty was to tame with a fkin army of peep messing with you, meh, destard on osi was just crowded, is what happen with that much population, with like 1000 ppl on the shard i swear ppl would make fun with tamers pet, you go at 4-5 own the tamer then play with the pet :) mad fun, now tamers just go on their 2nd account and save their tamer with it -.- theres 0 accuracy in triple client so idk what to say tbh, if is suppose to be an accurate t2a you need the population and only 1 client by person lol.. is a freaking joke taming a pet with another client there just to save you.. and yea, if you can dominate ice dongeon and destard 24/24 thatd be cool cuz the big point here to stop this is to not let the tamer even get those pet.. and no i dont play 24/24.. anyway.. pvp is dead and it wasnt from t2a lol that was the pk era, if you wanted real pvp its dead with alphanine-xuo like 5yrs ago :) here is a real fun shard tho.. if there wasnt such behaviors. I did an osi like shard with couple friends i know what it is, first thing i didnt do is wtfpwn newb with my l33t shitz when i knew they were def. noob, principe, let a damn chance, how long this shard exist idk, but i see alot of ppl quit it..

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Re: Dragons and PVP ?

Post by DemonArkanis »

if you cant kill a tamer and his dragons then you suck. That's one of the most fun parts of UO, seeing a tamer lose his mare and other pets.

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Re: Dragons and PVP ?

Post by Zanshin »

um a tamer and 4 dragon? with the guy going over his 2-3 client? think bout what your saying b4 doing so bro

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Re: Dragons and PVP ?

Post by Zanshin »

do it and post it in the video section too pls, instead of saying do it and not being even able to do it yourself b4 saying ppl suck

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Re: Dragons and PVP ?

Post by Zanshin »

i said with 4-5 ppl in my post too, it is rly fun, but not alone, thatd be the tamer that suck.........................

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Re: Dragons and PVP ?

Post by Storm »

Zanshin wrote:i said with 4-5 ppl in my post too, it is rly fun, but not alone, thatd be the tamer that suck.........................
Make one post and click on the "edit" button if you have new thoughts. It's not a difficult concept.
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Re: Dragons and PVP ?

Post by Zanshin »

yea ill do thx for rememebering, is out of topic tho, ty for reading tho and hope youl find something intelligent to reply :D

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Re: Dragons and PVP ?

Post by Loathed »

when i get the video on the web, i'll be posting it, nanwang and I made nice work of two mares, 3 dragons, and nemesis x 2 (neither was rez kill) was fun, i know he was mad, cuz he rage logged ;p after running his alt over to loot his corpse >_<


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Re: Dragons and PVP ?

Post by Storm »

I rage logged? I'm still playing and never logged off. Boy, you're a bright one. (Edited with a comma to help you under-educated folks)

If you weren't so ignorant, you could check this page to see who's online, to see if someone 'rage logged'.

You also failed to mention I killed you and Nanwang first, then killed you again - neither were 'rez kills' as you put it.

I killed Loathed twice, Nanwang once and got to loot them completely. You killed me twice and looted me once. I'd say I win. :lol:

Yes you killed me twice (once with no pets), yes you killed my pets - big whoop!

I've already re-tamed 2 mares and filled my stable with dragons... oh no I am so mad I can't take it anymore.

Tell the whole story next time, unless you feel like you really need to lie about it to make yourself feel better or to try to prove something.

I really gotta thank all you sore losers and 'wah pvp tamer' people for spicing this game back up for me. Thank you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
Last edited by Storm on Sun May 11, 2008 9:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dragons and PVP ?

Post by Loathed »

um i told the story about you dying. and yeah u did log it may have been for a moment, but you did rage log, (this page) only updates on world saves. Besides, we all can tell ur mad, look at the three paragraphs you replied with. I find it great that you call me boy, yet you hide behind the dragons. We do however, need you to edit ur posts. you didn't kill anything, your dragons killed it, so from now on- when you're inclined to say " I killed you blah blah, and him blah blah" you should say, My dragons killed you blah blah and him blah blah. that would be more correct. So no lie there, you don't kill crap. ur dragons do, and in no way is a npc controlled or not = ur skill on kill. plain and simple. So, me lie more? please - rage more >_<

all kill - no skill


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Re: Dragons and PVP ?

Post by Storm »

Replying to a post does not constitute anger. You're assuming I rage logged because I opened another client and looted my other characters corpse? Are you really that stupid?

Also, where did I call you 'boy'? I think you need to read over my educated, well thought out response again and realize you are the loser here. :lol:
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Re: Dragons and PVP ?

Post by Loathed »

so, losers pvp without pets?


that's a new one.

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Re: Dragons and PVP ?

Post by Alex21 »

Nice Work Fella's!
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Re: Dragons and PVP ?

Post by Storm »

Loathed wrote:so, losers pvp without pets?


that's a new one.
I never said that. I just said you are a loser, because obviously you have to lie on the internet so you'll feel better about your performance in a game.
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