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Vlastlav's secret Castle, Episode 1.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:16 pm
by MatronDeWinter
After reading this thread ( about how "secure" Vlast's castle was, I decided to try and prove him wrong. Using shady underground connections, it was easy enough to aquire a rune to his court. With the rune in my possesion, I scoped the area out, only to return at a later date. But on my second attempt it was blocked!! It seems someone has left boxes in his courtyard, no worries, I followed Vlast through a gate from a remote location, waited for him to depart, and then promptly marked additional runes all over the place.

This is my story of what happened next!

Inside the courtyard, I stealthed through the filthy swamp, the bog seeping into my newbie-boots. The journey proved fruitless, the door was locked. I noticed a few key players macroing in the back. I popped out of the shadows a few times to test their attention.

I quickly went to work moving some boxes out of the way to clear a path for the murder to come. With the circle of transparency as my guide, I uncovered 4 potion kegs on the outside wall and quickly pocketed them. How did they get there? I'm not entirely sure on their purpose, but I have a good idea.

I called for my companion, Matron de Winter, she started vaulting wave after wave of magic at the stronghold, but the plan was not working. The healing powers within, were far to great for her enchantments.

Perhaps there's another way, I check the keep door but alas, it is locked. I see a key locked down inside next to the table-barrier, they must keep pretty tight security.

While trying my hand at another round of meteor, a combatant recalls in! I cast my trusty recall spell, it is disturbed by a weaken! I cast it a second time, the foe casts ...weaken again??... I made it safely back home with a pocket full of runes and kegs. This fellow failed to notice that there were two of us present that day, and so I sat and watched as he went inside the door, leaving the enviting door unlocked. He teleported away to fetch a new weapon for the sparring scalliwags inside, as far as I know anyway.

A summoning of dangerous vortexes penetrated the keep through the newly openable doorway! Vlast was the first to fall, followed by his boxing comrad. The EV set it's sights on the remaining soldier, but he caught wind and began running in terror.

Shouting obsceneties such as "I BAN THEE" he made it up the stairs, but it was too late, the poison has taken it's hold and he collapse on the floor.


I send in one more vortex to handle the enemys pet, and recall about my business. It was a victorious day, and they have not seen the last of me! :x

Re: Vlastlav's secret Castle, Episode 1.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:43 pm
by Hemperor
ill buy a rune for 500 gp

Re: Vlastlav's secret Castle, Episode 1.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:08 pm
by MatronDeWinter
Hemperor wrote:ill buy a rune for 500 gp
1k each 30 locations to choose from.

Re: Vlastlav's secret Castle, Episode 1.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:30 pm
by Vlastslav
Weaksauce... wonder who opened a gate for you to go through, I guess the pains of living with multiple people!