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New to UO, Experienced PvPer/RPer LFG

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:00 pm
by Leamus
Hi there. I have been playing MMO's on and off for the past 5 years, struggling to find an MMO that will fulfill my PvP desires, 3 years ago I thought I found it with Shadowbane until it slowly died and the servers were shut off. Recently I started playing Ultima on WoW but I just couldn't enjoy it like SB. Now I am looking for another chapter of gaming in my life with UO Second Age.

I am only 18 but I consider my self pretty mature and a team player, I have ventrilo, teamspeak, and a mic. I am looking for a guild that considers PvP one of their primary objectives. Although I do not know anything about UO I can assure you I am a fast learner and hopefully will be playing by tonight.

I think I am going for a ranger type of character, I will let you know as soon as I can. Any skilled, organized PvP guilds with preferably some RP looking for members?

Re: New to UO, Experienced PvPer/RPer LFG

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:08 pm
by Unlimited Bladeworks

There are currently 6 members including myself in [RP]. Three more are waiting to be added to the guild. Once I have more members I'd like to PvP with the Broken Tusk Orcs and The Blood Rock Clan Orcs.

We are a roleplaying guild and I allow good, neutral or evil members to join the guild. Our website explains how sub-guilds within Roleplayers United works.

Currently we have two sub-guilds

The Freemasons (crafting guild)

The Keepers of the Light (pvp/pvm)

Re: New to UO, Experienced PvPer/RPer LFG

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:22 pm
by Leamus
I would be very interested in joining keepers of the light, and I am currently registering on the forums now, do you guys have a ventrilo by chance?

Re: New to UO, Experienced PvPer/RPer LFG

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:34 pm
by Unlimited Bladeworks
Leamus wrote:I would be very interested in joining keepers of the light, and I am currently registering on the forums now, do you guys have a ventrilo by chance?
You need a mic for ventrilo, correct? I don't have the software on my computer. I'm not sure if other members have it or not.

Send me a private message to be added to the guild stone. I'll be online till midnight (EST).

I'm trying to get the Elves of Myrkwood to join us in an alliance to fight the orcs.

Re: New to UO, Experienced PvPer/RPer LFG

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:36 pm
by Chaos
you do not need a mic to install or run vent client or server .. however you can hear but not talk ..

ps you can use alot of things for a mic ... way back in the day i used a set of ear buds (when they were new by walkman) that if i pluged into mic port on computer one bud would act as a mic .. it wasn't good but it worked and isn't that all that matters ... also i now use blue tooth for vent and ts when i use them .. though its not often and neither program are installed atm