An adventurer trapped in a desecrated castle...

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An adventurer trapped in a desecrated castle...

Post by Blaise »

As I waken from an unexpected slumber, I find myself trapped inside this familiar castle. Once the home of Landcaster of the lands of Ascalon, it now stands deserted but for the monsters roaming its darkened halls. The treasure trove of the dragons here lies near my feet, making it clear this place is not friendly to humans. How I came to be here is uncertain, but the last I recall I was heading towards the castle to seek out mine old companion Landcaster for a round of ale and conversation.
My head is throbbing, my worldly possessions removed, but for my clothing, my bow, a torch, a handful of fish steaks and a pile of empty potion bottles. I’m trapped. I’m utterly without help or hope, surrounded by foul beasts. What good is this bow with no arrows?!?
I’ve got this parchment and quill here and have hastened to make several copies of this information to send off with some feathered friends whom I’ve entrusted to carry my message to some brave souls who might be able to save me.
Darkness is consuming me as I long for daylight on my face and knowledge of my friend’s whereabouts. I knew I had been away for some time…but this…this is just too much to bear. I’ve seen apparitions moving about the castle that I only hope not to be those of my old companions. With this broken down home swarming with monsters, becoming my prison, I long for freedom…..or death. If I don’t find more to eat soon, I may just throw myself into the fray in a fit of madness and futile attempt to fight my way out.
If you find this message, I implore you to seek out members of my guild, Adventure Time. They will surely organize a party to come to mine aide. I’m certain they can find some safe access to this fortress that a party of brave adventurers could utilize to slay these beasts, fill their packs with treasure and for the love of Britannia, SAVE ME!!!!

Sincerely and fearing for my life,
Details here: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=39737
Est Sularus oth Mithas

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Re: An adventurer trapped in a desecrated castle...

Post by Jupiter »

The piece of parchment that fell into Jupiter's hands was terribly scorched; not nearly as bad as the noble pigeon that bore it across the wilds. He could only barely make out some of the map that was etched above the letters ..'for the love of Britannia, SAVE ME! - S..urm"

The map would have been mostly useless if not for the dark flames which seemed would slowly smolder the note to nothing. Jupiter knew only the dark breath of the nightmares could alight such evil flames. There were thousands of rich dukes and fancy castles all about the land, but there was only one where nightmares governed.

The author of this letter was in dire need. Most men would have been a rotting meal by now, yet Jupiter knew this prisoner was not any ordinary fool. Only a man of great courage could have had the ability to pen a note that would last more than a few seconds under the nightmare's scourge.

The last of the note succumbed to the flames as a puff of smoke rose above his hand; before the last ashen scrap set upon the ground Jupiter was at full speed on his equestrian bolt. Jupiter would do all he could to conjure some aid for this warrior.

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Re: An adventurer trapped in a desecrated castle...

Post by Brymstone666 »

We will see about that, the Mage Tower should not concern itself with matters such as this.

Be very cautious old one, lest your fate become that of the one you seek to save.

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Re: An adventurer trapped in a desecrated castle...

Post by Jupiter »

Brymstone! You were a captain of fools in life. You know we wizards concern ourselves with all matters that threaten the light.

Come, bring your army of fools who followed you straight to perdition! I'll see that you realize your great folly.

- Jupiter of the Grey Order
Brymstone666 wrote:We will see about that, the Mage Tower should not concern itself with matters such as this.

Be very cautious old one, lest your fate become that of the one you seek to save.

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Re: An adventurer trapped in a desecrated castle...

Post by Blaise »

I awoke from another uncomfortable and disturbed sleep wracked with nightmares of my impending death. This time something was different. Somewhere in this damned castle I hear the cries of humans and the clamor of a dreadful fight. Hiding patiently in my cell hoping not to attract unwanted attention I patiently wait for things to unfold, if indeed I'm not hallucinating.

Lo, and behold, a party of fearsome warriors and powerful mages came storming the halls of my would-be tomb. Although clearly not of the same guilds, these brave souls are working together for loot and life, thankfully my own as well.
I joined the fray and donned the daemon bone armor of lone adventurer long since deceased in these walls. We pushed on, to reclaim this defiled place from the evils that roam here unabated.

So much carnage, so much death, so much.....comradery in such a terrible place! The healing hands and spells of my new friends and allies carried us forth, through a terrible trial and on to a glorious victory.

Exhausted and awash with the spoils of dragon hordes and daemon's blood, we find ourselves at peace and able to relax atop the bank in Nujel'm. Who are these strangers and how can I ever repay them for saving my life. This simple warrior is humbled and endebted to the lives risked in his honor.

Yet.......upon my return to the pay my respects to the dead, I heard the grumblings of demonic magics eminating from the very soil upon which this castle lies. Could this place be accursed entirely to the core of the Britannian soils? Could the powerful spirit of Landcaster be ensnared by something more powerful yet to be known in these lands?!? I came away with resolution and tonight I rest with only more questions......

Will this once beatiful home ever be free of the damned? How much blood must be spilled to satiate these spirits defiling these halls?

Who will come next time?......Will we survive next time?!?! time.........
Est Sularus oth Mithas

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Re: An adventurer trapped in a desecrated castle...

Post by Jupiter »

How does one pass through a passage sealed by Death itself?

Aha! That which is already dead cannot be slain again. Jupiter had to get this information to the party that he was certain was now forming to rescue this lost Sturm. The risk for this approach was indeed grave. With the many legions of undead rising up, any who dared to attempt pass through the realm of death during these times did not only risk permanent residency, but forfeiture of their very souls.

Jupiter withheld the gravity of these risks from the party, lest any of them should waiver and unlist from their chosen course. All of his hopes rested on the safe return of the brave adventurer, however, he had to admit his hopes were less for Sturm's welfare but more for the secrets that could be revealed about this sealed fortress.

--- Weeks Pass ---

What seemed like mere hours to the party, was weeks in the realm of Britannia. Jupiter paced back and forth waiting for some news. When at last the door to the Prancing Unicorn flew open. "They've done it! They've escaped with Sturm!," the messenger exclaimed with his last breathe then collapsed to the floor revealing a shiv embedded in his spine. "Poor man," Jupiter slated. The man's fate had been sealed when he had accepted Jupiter's task. To their credit at least all of the messengers he had sent arrived with their messages. But it seemed that no matter what type of news the messengers of Jupiter were tasked with, the result was the same, a shiv in the back. Even the man carrying birthday card he had written for his brother delivered it with his last breathe.

His thoughts were returned from the sea of dead messengers' blood in his hands when he caught a glimpse of a sealed envelope. "Good lad, I shall make sure you are remembered in the ages that are yet to come," he spoke. Jupiter knelt and opened the envelope. This was powerful magic indeed. Somehow someone had managed to capture images of the events. The pictures seemed far too impeccible to have been hand drawn, but none-the-less here they were before him to study and learn all he could about this growing menace within the sealed fortress.
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