If not Trammel, then what?

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Re: If not Trammel, then what?

Post by MatronDeWinter »

If you plan to ignore era-accuracy in order to impliment a trammel-that-is-not-trammel, mine as well just cut 15 houses per player down and up the difficulty of skill gain and outlaw murder-count macroing. Viola, PK's suffer actual consequences and house spots open up to something reasonable for a server with nowhere near the population of actual T2A.

But, none of that will ever happen here. Ever.

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Re: If not Trammel, then what?

Post by Xearo »

Trammel was indeed a game killer, i quit myself mainly because it wasn't as thrilling as it once was. PK's had their come upence Those hardcore ORDER and CHAOS players sitting in a dungeon grinding on their blue being stalked by a couple of PK'S then WHAMM! a whole guild turns up to defend their colleague.

You make a good point about new comers working through the struggle to get acquainted with the game, i feel they were on the right track with the Young status allowing new players to keep their belongings until they were established enough to go at it alone. I feel if they had stuck with this and not made a whole safe facet the game would still have been enjoyable for all.

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Re: If not Trammel, then what?

Post by theuodealer »

There were a lot of good ideas here but I don't think I've ever seen any of them used anywhere. Most everyone says Trammel sucked (it did) but no one addresses the issues that Trammel was created to solve. Trammel wasn't the problem - Trammel was the wrong answer to a problem. I guess in many cases though the limited number of players on a free server keeps that problem from being as pronounced as it was on OSI.
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Re: If not Trammel, then what?

Post by Hoots »

To the OP, one thing your original post doesnt mention is "duping".

You are correct about the vast segregation between the haves and have-nots at that time, but it wasnt because *most* played their way to that position of superiority.

Once the landscape was covered with houses from duped gold and every player had enough reags to gm magery, their really was not much else for them to do besides PK. (Not-to-Mention the kind of player who would dupe typically is the kind of player who would grief/pk anyway)

This increased the problem exponentially (but i dont believe it was near as bad as you described in your post...)

Players begged for new/clean servers to be put up to give everyone a fresh start after duping was rampant but I dont think OSI ever understood how much damage was done.

As you say in your main post, Trammel was needed from a business standpoint....

They probably should have just created new shards with the tram/fel rule set and let people decide if they wanted to start over... Sure, established PvM Blues may have not been happy about not being able to move their chars, but a change like Tram is always going to pi$$ off some of the player base.

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Re: If not Trammel, then what?

Post by bushman »

Clx wrote:If UO:R had;

1. Opened a small, new land, with Trammel rules. Perhaps 1/8th the size of the old lands. Players could remain there as long as they wanted, but the main intention would be as a newbie/learning land. 1-2 towns, 1-2 low resource dungeons

3. Revamped the virtues system to promote 'good' behaviour. Provided rewards that matched those available to PKs/griefers, etc

4. Provided some better 'end-game' content. Maybe a better version of Factions, or something along the lines of the Champion Spawns that came later

...then the game would have been great, an improvement on the t2a era
yum, tasty ideas. t2a + these would make a perfect game

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