Village of Paws - High Tides and Darkwaters

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Village of Paws - High Tides and Darkwaters

Post by Jupiter »

Disclaimer – The actual facts of this reiteration of the tale may be embellished to some extent, but all events are based on factual events that did occur. Also, I apologize for the long read but there was just no way I could do this story justice with any manner of summation or cliff note version of the events that transpired. And to participants I am sorry if I do not recount every detail. While I am sure each and every aspect of this quest will be remembered by everyone of you, it is not possible to re-tell the story word for word without coming off as boring.


The sound of laughter and merriment followed the villagers out the door as they shuffled out of the Cat’s Lair. The man of the hour lingered for a moment, finishing the last puffs of his pipe, felt rather content that the villagers had lapped up his stories like young kittens and their evening milk. He mused that his strange affinity for kittens was actually quite dark; as was the true reason he had wound up in Paws. The circumstances of Gorn’s arrival were odd to say the least- he appeared in town only a few nights hence claiming he had “sailed” into and set harbor in the lakes to the west. Being a salty seafarer with plenty of stories and an appetite for ale, no one had really asked how he managed to sail a vessel into the middle of a lake that was more than 4 days inland from the nearest coastline in any direction.

With one fluid motion he doused his pipe, concealed it in his pocket, and slid a few ounces of gold coin down the bar to the tavern keep. Tipping his head, he turned and headed towards the open door. But before he could make the threshold the door swung closed, revealing Jupiter’s figure towering near the frame.

“I hope you’re not leaving just yet” his tone was not austere, but by his look Gorn knew Jupiter was not in a jesting mood. “You’ve still got one more story to tell, Gorn of Darkwater. You may have the villagers eating stories from your lap, but I know a whirlwind brought your ship to Paws and I wish to know the severity of the gale that approaches.”

“Haha, you grey old wizard” Gorn’s laugh was not mocking, but part of his nature “this old witch doctor ain’t got a’nottin to hide from you. He be a man of dark history, dat’s of truth, but he comes to this tavern only for good drink and good company. If it be evil yo’ suspectin’, har har, I tell’s ya look no further dan da little puddles you call lakes, just near dis fine village. You follow Gorn, he needs show your grey eyes somethin’ that'll whisk the creep right outta your spine.”

Standing at the banks Jupiter couldn’t sense any imminent threats in the water. “No, No, you be lookin’ in the wrong spot Mr. Grey. Here,” Gorn pointed to the hull of his ship “This rot and barnacle might look like normal wear on any sea goin’ vessel; But Gorn dun trawl in just any dinghy. Dis here is a creature of the sea, and what you see here is one sick sea pup.”

Jupiter examined the rot a little closer “What is the source of your sea pup’s ailment then?”

“Har Har, Gorn tought you nev’ ask. Looky here,” his eyes rolling back Gorn began to chant and a strange light began to reveal a dome-like aura covering the lake. “Dis is Gorn’s work. He been trying to help his love get outta dis puddle, but she won’t leave. Like somethin’ callin’ to her from deep dark under.”

“Hmmm. This could also be the reason that my powers of the arcane have seemed dulled when I am around Paws. Whatever is in there seems to be absorbing the energy of your sea pup. We must tend to this right away; though I care not for your voodoo ways, it seems they may be the only thing we can count on. Hurry, we’ve not a moment to lose!” Jupiter removed his grey cloak and hat and they vanished into his satchel. He quickly crossed the gang plank and then looked back to Gorn.

Somewhat puzzled Gorn called out “Now master Grey, my ol’ girl don’t let just anybody climb on up. What kinda shenanigans be dis? What’s your master plan den?

“Gorn, you must perform now two crucial tasks. One requires the heart of a murderer, and one that of a hero. Do you have it in you?” Jupiter’s announcement rang with a profound spirit that left no room for doubt or hesitation. Gorn's only response was a slow nod. “Good, then what you must first do is send my spirit to the other side, and the second is you must bring me back! I know you are more than capable of the first task, but can you accomplish the second?”

“But Masta Grey, I have a lot of things I have to gather to bring you back from this deep dark under. I can sail faster than any man, but with my ol’ girl locked up right here it can’t be done!”

“Call upon Paws, tell them of the evil here, and let them know my existence within the land of the living depends on them. Oh, and don’t mention to them that you fulfilled the first task. It’s best you let them believe that something else did this.” With that Jupiter closed his eyes and sat complacently upon the deck “Do it now Gorn, I am ready.”

Gorn spoke his voodoo chants “PoR De CORP!” and Jupiter’s body fell limp and smoldering.

Several of the Paws villagers were gathered within the primary village manor. Their chatter was suddenly interrupted as Gorn flew through the doors. “COME QUICK! I need ya’lls help. Jupi the Grey has fallen on my sea bird!” Without hesitation the villagers chased after Gorn.

“See here, his ghost now haunts my ship.”

“What is this witchcraft Gorn?!” Haggard had his warfork to Gorn’s throat “Speak quickly”

“Ain’t no call for dat’ now, killin’ me ain’t gonna bring your greyman back. A’sides, Jupiter requested this of me and something of you’alls. You see, I’s can bring im back from dat precipice he now hangin’ over. But, I need many things that I can’t possibly gather all by me lone self.”

Gorn held out a book “Dis here be all I need, den I can show you a voodoo dance dat bring back da dead.”

Haggard snatched the book “What the... these things are spread out all over the world!”

“Oh I can help with that” Xandy chimed in “I’ve got rocks marked to locations all over...”

“Oh, not so pretty damsel!” Gorn broke in “deez items fresh must be, they can’t be travelin’ through wizard made doorways or they lose they efficacy. No, you’be be travelin’ by land or sea.”

“Very well, we will separate, and meet back here with all the required items,” Haggard began calling out orders “Joad, Xandy and myself, will head North to Yew. Kiritos and Jingles, I want you to keep Gorn as close as possible; make sure he does not leave the village! We all know Jupiter has mettle beyond measure, but even he cannot remain separated body from spirit for long. Let us make haste! We will return here as soon as we have obtained the items needed! Keep watch of our progress on the village map, we will be hailing you to keep us on course!”

No matter how well they knew the roads they followed, the paths ahead of them were of a sudden brand-new and unknown to them. The band fought valiantly, and within the fields of Britain they chanced upon a bladesman, the one named siecapted of TMG. Not knowing what dangers this band faced, with an oath and a blade, this man joined the company; a fateful encounter that would later prove to be fortunate beyond all measure.

With great speed they collected all the items on Gorn’s list. From the fields of Britain they traveled to Yew, stopping only a moment to assail the Brigand fort and collect a few human heads. At Yew they collected lumber from the greatest trees. And thence they made their way to lands lost to time; the only place to collect the gems, poison, and ore need by Gorn. Although their primary quest was to obtain these items, none of them could have foreseen the nightmare of purest black appearing at the oasis! Although time was waning, they knew they could not return to the upperlands unless they dealt with this beast. They all worked to drain the creature, but the beast was incredibly strong. Just when it seemed the party was about to perish, their quest snuffed out by the fumes of a nightmare, the tamer Lord Hiccup Horrendous appeared and bent the mare to his will. Handing the reins to Xandy, Hiccup bade them continue on their quest to save Jupiter, lest all the realms be left to face untold peril. With the reins of a nightmare in hand Xandy called revived the company back to action! They raced back to the village.

“Har har. Da’s good work there villagers” Gorn praised them all as he looked over everythin’ “but ye done fergot da cotton! Can’t be no ritual dance without the cotton!”

The villages looked down, despite all odds they had overcome. Despite everything; it appeared now they had failed.

“Umm, perhaps I might be able to restore some hope to this matter” the voice that interrupted the somber silence of despair was that of siecapted “You see, aside from my talent with the blade, I also own a small plantation on Moonglow island. I know it isn’t much, but I have ten bales of cotton that I’ve had with me this whole time. You see, when your band first chanced across me in the wheat fields of Britain I was just returning from a trade deal that went sour. I was about to return the cotton to my land in Moonglow, but as destiny would have it, I followed you instead. Here” siecapted insisted “I bid you take all the cotton I have that this great man may live again.”

With all items in hand, Gorn began his ritual at once. Placing the items with great care, he formed a voodoo diagram. No sooner than he began his chant than lights began to shoot forth from within the circle. Joad spotted it first, and then all the others, the ghost of Jupiter! Phasing in and out, Jupiter’s silhouette appeared with more clarity as Gorn continued his chants. Then with a loud pop, the air all around burst with light, and Jupiter fell to the ground.

Looking up, Jupiter was clearly pleased and very ill. “You.. all of you are in great debt to this man. I fear if not for Gorn of Darkwater, the evil that was within the lake would soon have consumed us all.” With the villagers all gathered round, Jupiter explained that he was not able to defeat the evil, but he was able to elude it’s notice long enough to study its weaknesses and free the spirits that it was holding captive. Whatever this evil force was, it was feeding on the souls of any who died near the village. Despite their victory this day, he warned that it only provided a temporary delay.

Finishing his tale, Jupiter looked up to Gorn, “Your girl is free to go now as she pleases. I saw her there, on the other side. Beautiful beyond description she was. She showed me the way to the souls that were captured; without her help I’d have never found them. They’re all aboard your vessel now, safe in depths of her mystical hull. I think she brought you here for this very purpose Gorn, but she is ready to move on if that is your wish too. Yet, you can be certain that the harbor in the lake will be reserved for you and your sea bucket until the end of ages.”

Last edited by Jupiter on Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Village of Paws - High Tides and Darkwaters

Post by Joad »

That was a long journey of scavenging and hunting, but I'd travel to the ends of Britannia with this group any day.

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Abyss Ebonmourne
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Re: Village of Paws - High Tides and Darkwaters

Post by Abyss Ebonmourne »

Perhaps this is why I have not seen any souls from PAWS pass my way. Interlopers can be most bothersome, I do hope for a hastened resolution to such a shortage.

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Re: Village of Paws - High Tides and Darkwaters

Post by Kander »

This quest was a lot of fun. thank you all for joining in and helping out. I will try to post a picture later.

[08:52] <Spitfire|work> chain knows, he's cleaned more houses than that erotic maid service

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Re: Village of Paws - High Tides and Darkwaters

Post by VoP Denizen »

Just a little taste of what I was able to capture. Hopefully more to be presented by those who were present :)
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King Haggard_1-12_22.22.jpg
King Haggard_1-12_22.22.jpg (108.92 KiB) Viewed 2586 times

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Re: Village of Paws - High Tides and Darkwaters

Post by Kander »

Great pictures!!!

[08:52] <Spitfire|work> chain knows, he's cleaned more houses than that erotic maid service

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Re: Village of Paws - High Tides and Darkwaters

Post by Kander »

Jupiter going to the side of the none living.

The troops getting heads for the ritual.

[08:52] <Spitfire|work> chain knows, he's cleaned more houses than that erotic maid service

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Re: Village of Paws - High Tides and Darkwaters

Post by Jupiter »

hahaha. thanks for posting these pictures Kander!

I think I should work that graphic into my signature: "I think I'm winning!"

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