The Adventures Of me

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by memememe »

Sleight wrote:Eagerly awaiting new episodes.
Summer hole caught us a bit, but we'll do our best to get this going again in august!

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by memememe »

Chapter six:

Yes, it's been a while, somewhat of a mix between things that prevent you from playing UO and lack of ideas.

Not anymore though! Inspired by local hero Franz P. the family decided to have another son:
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First night out.

We're a forgetful family, we assumed our new brother wouldn't be old enough to join the thieves guild before the big event. Thankfully, his birthday was just in time, as Claude, Guildmaster of the Thieves Guild, saw him fit for duty mere hours before this fateful day.
Just in the nick of time too, who would have wanted to miss this:
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Baby steps.

I'm not going to bore my dear readers with stories of his first few attempts, as they didn't go very well at all. But he had to learn fast, the hour for justice isle was closing in!
So what do you do when time is short? Correct! You find people who must know what they are doing!
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This was at their home base no less! On the second run by he also got a +25 viking sword of vanquishing!
(Sadly I didn't expect this to go so well at all, so I wasn't even thinking about screenshots. The bardiche is from Wazza, the sword I'm not so sure, one of the 3 on the screenshot. Wazza excuse for being careless on IRC: It was a bad weapon anyway!)

The big day!

After such an exciting day, our younger brother felt more than ready for justice island, the big test!
Sadly, the great riches weren't to be gotten. No sooner had he used his big brothers gate onto the fabled island did the house drop. When the dust had settled there was almost nothing to be had. 8721 iron ingots were all he could grab. But what is this?! A villain in our home! He jacked our gate! He vaulted over the oh so secure table wall! This cannot be!
So together the two brothers, young and old, dispatched this foul creature!
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Only after the intruder was dealt with and the adrenaline rush of our young one had subsided did he fully realize his action! Guildmaster Claude had said: "You must NEVER kill another man in cold blood!" Was the adventure over before it had even really begun?!?! Was he going to be thrown out of the guild on his first day!?
Alas, due to divine intervention, or maybe just oversight on the intruders part, no account of the murder left the dead mans lips. Maybe he hadn't realized he had broken into a public home, a place any man can visit without fear of death.

Fun on the island.

To speak of everything that happened this fateful morning might fill books, if not libraries! In short: there was a lot of running, and hiding, and gating, and of course, stealing!
While a better man, the young brother always speaks fondly of a Franz P. who seems to be somewhat of a cross between mentor and idol for him, might have come to even greater riches, on this day, so early in his career, this stories hero was content with his pickings.
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A few bits of this, a little of that. Especially the pvp elite seemed to care little for their belongings! And yes, the family now proudly owns a boat!

Content with the first 2 days of work in the new business, this chapter ends here. But I can safely say, the next one is already on the horizon!

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by memememe »

Chapter Seven:

An innocent man.

This story starts off on a sad note. One of our brothers has fallen!
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He was one of the younger sort. A seeker of adventure. Dressed in a grey robe, armed with a mighty silver axe of ruin, 40 bandages and the means to recall, he sought out the evils in Deceit.
Upon his arrival he was met be 3 fellow travelers. Trusty companions? Partners against the waves of evil? Surely, for they were all of good fame and karma, one of them, Kusanagi, even a mighty Lord!
But no! They attack him, before he can get his bearings, mighty weapons spewing fire cut him down! (That went kinda fast, totally unexpected so sadly no screenshots were made.)

But why?! No riches were upon his person, he was a gentle soul, betitled in the lands as "Fair". Not a murder to his name, neither a thief or a looter. Just a simple warrior.
Mayhap he was mistaken for his brother! The scoundrel, that lowly thief! That must surely be it!
Well, there are other brothers too, good sirs, and a murder on such innocent a soul will not go unpunished!

Avenger of the fallen.

To avenge him, his mighty brother, a mage known throughout the lands, a man to be feared, willed himself to the site of the brothers demise! One of the foul villains fled at the very sight of him. But the other two still had murder in their eyes! Still with blooded swords in their hands, they raced for the slain mans kin.
But this one was no pup, not one to flinch and panic at the sight of blood. This one had seen blood, waded through it and bathed in it!
Back and forth the fight went, magic weapons against steel and words of power! But it was no even fight, two men against one. So when one opponents mount tired and threw its rider off, the mage took his chance and killed it, evening out the odds. For a fencer on foot is but a small nuisance.
Just as the tide was turning, one villain off on the other side of the room, the other with but a sliver of life left in him, the heroes mount tired as well! Unwilling to move! Were these horses of the same breed, lazy and easy to tire?! Was there no revenge to be had? Was fate this cruel?
With no chance to catch the bleeding criminal, the hero recalled home. At the doorstep he called for the evilest of all brothers, the murderer! For he was home, stocked and mounted to continue the fight.
(Must. Remember. To. Make. More. Screenshots!)

The surprise.

One brother dead, the other without mount, the third tried to do what seemed impossible. While little time had elapsed, it was surely enough for the villains to make their getaway. Yes, the other brother had said one was close to death, but brothers tell colorful tales at times. So the murderer recalled to the scene of the crime, not expecting anything.
Well, the sight in store for him was a surprise indeed!
The villain, the lordly one, lay dead in the middle of the crypts of deceit! It seems that the brother had not lied at all, and that the Lord of Liches had seen his chance and taken it upon himself to dispatch this foul human, most probably a slayer of many of its kind!
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If you take mine, I'll take yours.

The lord took the brothers life, the murderer took the lords life. They took the brothers home made bandages and trusty axe, we take their gold, foul magic weapons and armor.
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Ready for more adventures.

Into the depths of evil he had gone with but a grey robe, an axe and some cloth. Out he came dressed in red and gold, swinging weapons of fire and power.
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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by Malaikat »

Kus must be scraping the bottom of the ol` equipment barrel. What happened to the demon bone helm? Force?

Time to farm dude.
Save yourself the shame and embarrassment and just assume that if you can't understand're the one who's retarded.
Budner wrote:Your sig lets everyone know what an arrogant prick you are.

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by memememe »

It's a trap!

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You know when your spider senses are tingling, you might just be right!
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Disclaimer: Sadly a rather short 2v2, seems Hate on This D/C'd when he was semi low (mighta survived otherwise, on the SS I got his partner was way offscreen, but who knows).
Thanks for the fun though, hope to see ya soon again, <3 oranges. Special thanks to the guy with the purple hair, while half the server was busy IRC-PvPing at least someone showed up to hold my hand in this harsh world.

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by memememe »

1 vs 2

Omg that's so unfair!!!!
For them!

Lot's of blue text! Maybe if you won't LOS each other that would work better!

Ya running off screen from one another isn't the smartest idea either guys! But at least you're running towards the guard zone!

In the end however, good will prevail! I did get a hasty hit from your bro though Antonio, 'tis not looking good!

Danger indeed!

But as we are legion, there's never short supply of us!

PS: If you read this (I'm guessing Arthur from *F* + someone else was at work here), I'll admit past the first 2 mins of mindless running around you guys did put up a decent fight with a lot less running and chasing than I'd have thought at first. Would be cool if you guys were around more often. Think about going orange, it's a blast once you get used to it. Keep on PvPing!

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Re: The Adventures Of me

Post by Mith »

hey me ! lol
those are my buddies from portugal and brazil
they haven't finished template yet
but soon enough we will build a new guild to go orange

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