Boat 'fragments' left behind

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Boat 'fragments' left behind

Post by Hans »

I have two boats parked on the northern end of Dagger Isle. (the snow isle)

Yesterday, I hopped in one and started sailing.. Much to my surprise, a 'copy' of the front end and sail of my ship was left behind, where I had it parked. I figured it was a client bug, but after restarting the client, the 'copy' is still there.

So I moved my other ship, to find it also has made a copy of the sail and front end also.

My boats are just fine, and this has no effect on game-play, however I thought you (the shard admins) would like to know about this.

The fragments are still there if you would like to see for yourself.

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Re: Boat 'fragments' left behind

Post by Derrick »

Did you actually close client and restart it? I've seen this happen with houses before as a client bug.

What's the location?
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