Newplayer Questions

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Newplayer Questions

Post by ReGateIce »

I',m coming from the original paid OSI Server and got some questions:

1. I'm playing a fencer, and got a skill of 30 now. It's very hard for me to fight againt Monsters on the graveyard, cause they often attack me with more than one mob. That means, I Need a lot of bandages. But at the beginning, i got only 50 pieces which i lost for fighting against one mob (but I could not kill it :D). Now I got no Money any more and Need bandages.

What can I do now? Do I have to find way for my own to find some Money (collecting items and sell the, taming animals and sell them, collect reagents or Wood or so?) Is this a wanted way for this Server? If yes, i will accept it :D

2. If I bought a bolt of Cloth, I have to cut them down 2 times. For 50 bandages I have to do 2x100 clicks. Is this the right way?
Or can I do it with a macro? Cause I tried to record a macro clicking scissor and later the bolt of Cloth. Then while playing this macro, i receive a 25second timeout before continue.

Is there an other way? Or will I have to do it manually by clicking 200 times?

Thank you.

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Re: Newplayer Questions

Post by memememe »

ReGateIce wrote:Hello,
I',m coming from the original paid OSI Server and got some questions:

1. I'm playing a fencer, and got a skill of 30 now. It's very hard for me to fight againt Monsters on the graveyard, cause they often attack me with more than one mob. That means, I Need a lot of bandages. But at the beginning, i got only 50 pieces which i lost for fighting against one mob (but I could not kill it :D). Now I got no Money any more and Need bandages.

What can I do now? Do I have to find way for my own to find some Money (collecting items and sell the, taming animals and sell them, collect reagents or Wood or so?) Is this a wanted way for this Server? If yes, i will accept it :D

2. If I bought a bolt of Cloth, I have to cut them down 2 times. For 50 bandages I have to do 2x100 clicks. Is this the right way?
Or can I do it with a macro? Cause I tried to record a macro clicking scissor and later the bolt of Cloth. Then while playing this macro, i receive a 25second timeout before continue.

Is there an other way? Or will I have to do it manually by clicking 200 times?

Thank you.
1: Yup, but once you´re past the initial stage things speed up. A thing you can try is luring 1 monster past the fence while the others are still behind it and kill that one alone, you should be able to handle one skeleton.

2: Insert a pause (1,5sec works for me), because there´s a delay between using items (1 sec from the server + your ping), so when razor doesn´t instantly get it´s "wait for target" target it automatically waits 25 sec.

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Re: Newplayer Questions

Post by UsualSuspect »

I just delete the wait for target.. then as soon as it can cut it does.

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Re: Newplayer Questions

Post by Budner »

I believe you can cut bandages with a 0.85 second pause.

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Re: Newplayer Questions

Post by liinniejj »

note as well you can sheer sheep in sheep pens for free wool to turn into cloth.

Feel free to join IRC chat channel #new as well here are all members helpers etc of the guild new player assistance. feel free to join the guild and use the guildkeep or other smalls we can provide for you to work from or just hang in the chat channel for all you're questions and help needed ;)

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