Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

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Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

Post by Menkaure »

Ok, so heres my issue.
I have a bit of lag, but its not your normal type of lag. I ping at around 30-37 average. My lag, is almost a system lag, like a computer lag. But it gets weirder. Lets say Im dueling someone on horse, well, that person will skip around the screen, even if they are just WALKING/TROTTING on their horse. So even tho on my screen Im right beside them, a split second later, it will show them 10 yards away. Its getting annoying in the field, and even more annoying when Im on my thief trying to snoop a bag or on my pk and the guy Im killing always will out run me.
I cant figure it out. I bought a brand new power supply, brand new video card. My computer is only 4-5 years old. My processor is a AMD(tm) 7750 Dual-Core Processor 2.71 GHz and 4.00 GB of RAM. Its a 64 bit operating system.
My connection is cable modem and I am 100% sure its not my connection. Also, my system has been drafgged, Im using up 228GB out of 298 GB on my C drive, so I still have about 1/4 the memory left, doubt that would hurt it like this, especially since UO is such an old game. Also, one last thing, when I walk by a tower, or a house that has a TON of stuff in it, I become so slow its like Im walking through thick mud. Again, not sure if this has anything to do with it.
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Re: Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

Post by Ulfrigg »

Did you try update your grafic card drivers?

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Re: Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

Post by Bixby Legbone »

Menkaure wrote:Ok, so heres my issue.
I have a bit of lag, but its not your normal type of lag. I ping at around 30-37 average. My lag, is almost a system lag, like a computer lag. But it gets weirder. Lets say Im dueling someone on horse, well, that person will skip around the screen, even if they are just WALKING/TROTTING on their horse. So even tho on my screen Im right beside them, a split second later, it will show them 10 yards away. Its getting annoying in the field, and even more annoying when Im on my thief trying to snoop a bag or on my pk and the guy Im killing always will out run me.
I cant figure it out. I bought a brand new power supply, brand new video card. My computer is only 4-5 years old. My processor is a AMD(tm) 7750 Dual-Core Processor 2.71 GHz and 4.00 GB of RAM. Its a 64 bit operating system.
My connection is cable modem and I am 100% sure its not my connection. Also, my system has been drafgged, Im using up 228GB out of 298 GB on my C drive, so I still have about 1/4 the memory left, doubt that would hurt it like this, especially since UO is such an old game. Also, one last thing, when I walk by a tower, or a house that has a TON of stuff in it, I become so slow its like Im walking through thick mud. Again, not sure if this has anything to do with it.
In UO > Options > 2nd right icon (Eye Ball).. there's options for enable page flipping, and reduce display framerate. Perhaps you have one or both of these activated.

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Re: Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

Post by Whitley »

Are you logging packets in razor or have any of the CPU related options checked?

For that matter, start up UO without Razor and play with it for a little while to eliminate a Razor setting as a possibility.

Lastly, disable any anti-virus software you have on your machine.

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Re: Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

Post by Menkaure »

Bixby tried both things. Neither worked, thank you tho. To the gentleman above this post, thank you I will try this when I get home
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Re: Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

Post by montier »

I hate to be a poopoo'er but i think this is very similar to this

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Re: Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

Post by Hicha »

Try the things i mentioned in this thread.
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Re: Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

Post by Zim »

Test for packet loss ~ may be your router biting the dust.

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Re: Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

Post by Sarrano »

I agree that it sounds like packet loss. Download uotrace if you don't already have it. LINK

Type in the server address and let it run for awhile. See if you drop any packets.

I had the same problem. I tried all kinds of stuff. There ended up being an old splitter in the wall, on the other side of the house that was causing the packet loss. I replaced that and no more problems.

Good luck with yours.

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Re: Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

Post by Populus »

Does it only happen to mounted people? That's a clientbug afaik.

When you walk with a horse it looks like that and it's the best technique you can use vs a dexer because they can't really keep track of where you really are.

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Re: Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

Post by keelonzo »

montier wrote:I hate to be a poopoo'er but i think this is very similar to this
They aren't the same thing. In the thread you pointed out, the OP was soliciting for profit (logos cost money IRL)

This thread is soliciting help for no IRL monetary gain.

Menk - how are your system resources looking when the game is running? (When you open task manager and click on the processes tab)

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Re: Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

Post by Menkaure »

montier wrote:I hate to be a poopoo'er but i think this is very similar to this
Um? How the hell is my post about asking for help to fix my computer problem related to that? Im asking a question that relates to the trouble im having playing UOSA. That's the dumbest thing I've ever seen posted on the forums, congratulations. P.S. montier, I never said anything about what brand of computer I have or even my cable company, nice fail at trying to get someone in trouble for no reason when they are just asking the community for help on how they can make my playing experience less laggy, jerk.

Anyways, so yes I've been told the horse thing happens to everyone, but I still have the problem of when walking by ANY house that has a lot of items in it, I become slug like and makes me walk like I'm going through quicksand. This has to be a computer problem and not a connection problem right?
Update: no packet loss, no connection issues whatsoever, anyone have an idea how I can my performance to be better?
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Re: Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

Post by montier »

I wasn't trying to get you in trouble.. in short, my interpretation of the rule is: you cant trade items in game for real life anything.

My impression this done to protect the game that both you and i love. I don't wish any harm to come to you. I Just want to ensure that others actions don't unintentionally damage the game. No ill will towards you. I Hope you can understand and respect my position.

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Re: Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

Post by keelonzo »

keelonzo wrote:
Menk - how are your system resources looking when the game is running? (When you open task manager and click on the processes tab)
Also - on your options menu within the UO client under the UO tab (right side second from the bottom above the world icon) - scroll down until you see how many Houses are cached on your client - if its super high, it could slow you down, or if its too low, you will be receiving data of every house nearby - also, items within the house shouldn't affect it unless you step onto the porch.

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Re: Small deed if anyone can fix this computer problem.

Post by montier »

as a matter of good will. I will offer some help with no expectation of payment.

I can help you rule out the possible individual causes in your computer...
If you go in the task manager and click the performance tab. then click the "Performance Monitor" button. then in there Click the Disk tab.
Then watch the graphs as you do something in game that makes the game get slow. What value does Queue length get to?

Next Click the memory Tab.. Watch the Used Physical memory graph. .. do an action in game that makes the game get slow. Does the graph make it to 100%

Next Do the the Network tab. watch the upper right graph.. Which is just plain network. Do whatever in game that makes your computer get slow. Does the graph jump up high and stay high and kind of flat, then drop considerably when the game gets back to normal?

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