Server Tired

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Server Tired

Post by CRockwell »

This server very much feels as though it's TIRED.
Last edited by CRockwell on Fri Mar 28, 2014 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Server Dead

Post by GuardianKnight »

I don't play anywhere else. I just haven't been in the mood to play uo. I figure there are more out there just like me.
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Re: Server Dead

Post by Vega/Delo »

I'm here, it's drinking day for most for today at least. I'm not goin anywhere, and my cousin is nearly completed with his chars and he and I will be out more pvp wise ( he's gonna need to be shown a lot of the ropes though, he's new to UO all together). Yea finding people to kill in dungeons has been lacking for awhile. There were a lot of guilds coming up, but now I'm not seeing them. We've seen their posts on here, wether the shit got to real for them and they couldn't take it. To each their own. Yea some people take things to far and there is no reason you have to put up with it. However they will not go anywhere, it's sad but true. It's your free time and no reason you have to deal or stick it out. Sorry for the rant, lil high to the sky ;).

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Re: Server Dead

Post by Carpatheus »

Not "dead" by any means, there's still some activity, just not necessarily out and about in dungeons, because the ratio of reds to blues favors the reds, much to the point where they even attack each other out of sheer boredom.

Crafters, such as myself, are finding that the market is pretty much dried up, since no one really needs to buy GM made stuff, so there's no real crafting economy. :(

Large portion of what keeps things bustling is IDOC'ing (hunting down houses that are going to collapse) and the occasional non-automated event.

My guess is the people who still play are the ones who enjoy UO as a game overall compared to other games out. Personally, I play League of Legends and UO... they're both nice games to pick up and play without feeling tethered to it/feeling like maintenance (those who have played WoW in a raiding guild before know what I'm talking about, hehe).

I know it kind of sucks having a smaller population, but you gotta remember, UO is a pretty old game, so as much as this server rocks at recreating the "golden age" of UO, it was damn near 15 years ago that people were signing on by the thousands. This day and age is more about personal fulfillment rather than the overall social experience, imo.

tl:dr - Chin up, keep playing if you enjoy it! :D Otherwise, don't let the game drag you down, there's always options!

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Re: Server Dead

Post by GuardianKnight »

"Not seeing people in dungeons to kill"

I imagine this is how it would have been, eventually, if UO:R hadn't come in after era.

The vets here have done everything they set out to do for this era. This is a niche server. It will have those who come and those who go. Older pvpers will stop pvping and do other things before they slow down or quit.

I always got the feeling that UOSA was an experiment that derrick was running. I think that if this were an experiment, it is reaching its natural conclusion.

You GET people to join you by offering something NEW or something they are nostalgic about. UOSA will continue to get new players and then lose old vets. This is a natural process. You really can't keep active people unless you are offering a persistently changing/updating world.

Back when World of Warcraft was the king of the hill, people were quitting because they refused to release new content. The fans were constantly attacking the company. The players that are here, they love this place. When they get tired of playing here, they just stop playing. No hate mail or anything. They just stop.

The Benefits of players losing interest:

1. Housing spots open up for the next generation
2. More housing spots = more possible new players to continue the cycle
3. Staff can work on events that new players will like (vs. the older players who expect a certain amount of reward, based on previous staff events) Vets really do keep it negative here on many subjects.

4. Hoarders who have quit, will have let their houses decay, sending their rare items etc back into community circulation. This keeps the rare market cycle healthy.

5. New Evil (a-holes) and Good guys will emerge, not having to share the spotlight with self indulgent vets, constantly challenging their existence. Vets hold down new vets from becoming anything but run of the mill players. Ego is a big part of becoming anything on this server.

6. No people to pk in dungeons means that you, as a pk, can see that people refuse to play on a pk imbalanced shard. No one logs in to be ganged up on every 3 minutes for daring to start here. Maybe you'll gain just a little bit of empathy and treat newbies as an endangered species that you can only hunt sometimes.
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Re: Server Dead

Post by Capitalist »

I didn't even read GK's reply. This server isn't dead... we went from 600 IPs daily to 500-550 because like 50+ people are playing An Corp only. Oh noes, a new shiny object distracting people? Epiphany!
Denis the Menace wrote:Vega for me you are just exploiting the uosa system with your vanq charged spellreflect recall invis pink boobi pvp trammel style which never existed on osi, so stfu.
Jakob wrote:Regardless of douchebag, fair player or Vega.

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Re: Server Dead

Post by Celtic Black »

At least for me, it is finals week.

Most people are cracking the books and studying themselves silly.

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Re: Server Dead

Post by GuardianKnight »

I read Capitalist's post because it was short and only took me 3 seconds.
"I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me, and it'll happen to you, too." Grandpa Simpson

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Re: Server Dead

Post by a swallow »

Why would you read anything Vega says? Its all lies and cries.
[quote="Teriyl"] So wait, you're mad at swallow for stealing shit out of your castle that you mistakenly left unlocked? He's not my favorite person on the server, but damn Dyne, you can only be mad at yourself for that.

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Re: Server Dead

Post by Vega/Delo »

GK take no offense by my comment and I'm no threat to running players out. The cycle you spoke of is this. Anyone I find usually escapes, I still click most spells and have not many "more efficient" hot keys. Those who I do get keep most their things back and get ressed. When I came to the server sandro and crew were the top dog pks, followed by NWO. That shit was tits. Got the blood flowing and memories of the good ol days. Now it's larger packs of pks and nearly everyone has a macro to invis recall.
And ur on the money with the vets. Where's my damn neons. And the housing issues are what they are and won't change. Rares are getting gobbled up quickly and certain houses have a great deal and have no sight of falling or an owner to cop to owning in. - the keep north of rat vally with the skull.

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Re: Server Dead

Post by Boondock_Saint »

Vega said he was quitting last year and was going to give me his loot. I'm still waiting.
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Re: Server Dead

Post by Capitalist »

Turns out I love UOSA more than I would have hoped.
Denis the Menace wrote:Vega for me you are just exploiting the uosa system with your vanq charged spellreflect recall invis pink boobi pvp trammel style which never existed on osi, so stfu.
Jakob wrote:Regardless of douchebag, fair player or Vega.

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Re: Server Dead

Post by Lambo »

I have a strange love for uosa , even with the immense population of other servers I have a strong desire for the success of UOSA. Before the other server launched it was really looking up.

Its been tossed back and forth but there are a lot of vets that strongly support this server but on the flip side there seems to be little hope shown from the higher ups. Part of my reason for coming back to the server was the promise and enthusiasm shown by Mammoth and staff. Yet I am beginning to see less staff interaction and the fact that we are no longer listed on JoinUO is a strong concern.

I try to stay positive about the health of UOSA and appreciative of all the staff has done. But ultimately there is very little sign the owners of this server care about its life or death. Whether or not that is true I cannot say, that is just the feeling portrayed. idk
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Re: Server Dead

Post by Budner »

Dead horse, but:

1) Account limit: either drop the account limit from 3 to 2 (give 3 months advance notice) OR limit each account to 3 houses (with 3 months advance notice). Who needs more than 9-10 houses. It's silly.
2) More events

IMO that would at least slowly build the population back up and give UOSA a sturdier player base.

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Re: Server Dead

Post by Faust »

An Corp, just the usual fad much like all the other previous IPY fails. Only a matter of time until it shares the same fate.

Sadly, UOSA has dwindled from its peak of long time success. The project has run its course much like GK stated. Era accuracy development has dissipated for far too long and most that was waiting for better era accuracy such as myself has given up a long time ago.

PvPer's will not sit around for several years waiting for critical components to be fixed in combat.

PvEer's will not sit around for several years awaiting for new content that can be developed with in the bounds of era accuracy.

That is the way of shard success. This shard has come a long way but depending on the plan of action put forth, it will either thrive once again or continue to dwindle away.

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