Question about macroing resources in general?

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Oderus Urungus
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Question about macroing resources in general?

Post by Oderus Urungus »

If im macroing to deep sea fish with razor and im watching it, it should be legit.
Lets say something occurs to where i leave the computer for 5 or however long minutes.
I turn the razor macro off and leave my char sitting there so im not unnattended gathering
Is that ok? Or do I have to log my char off completely?
I ask this because ill have a pile sitting at my feet, no macro running.
A gm pops up sees the pile and me non responsive and thinks im still gathering and jails me.
Or is there a way they can tell if your running a macro or not?
Should I just go further then turning the macro off and just log the chars out?
Ive had a gm pop up on me once and I talked with him but I forgot to ask the question =\

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Re: Question about macroing resources in general?

Post by dexter4321 »

Yeah man I think it's alright to leave for a few minutes or something. I think what they are mostly talking about is when someone leaves it for hours or overnight, hell even an hour or something like that. Afk resource gathering is not permitted at all but if it's like five minutes or something I wouldn't worry about it tbh, the risk is up to you. Just be sure you are there if they pop up and start talking to you or else it will look really suspicious. Just put a movie in or something you know. But yeah If they pop up and your not there it's their duty to enforce penalties.

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Re: Question about macroing resources in general?

Post by Maahes »

We do require that the action of gathering is performed while unattended before taking any disciplinary actions. So as long as you stop your macro, you should be alright.

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