URK hunt 5/29

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Posts: 102
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URK hunt 5/29

Post by Greenmoon »

Well the day started with me running around the forest by Covetous. I came across an oomie mining...when I asked him for tribute, he bolted! So I showed him what happens to those who don't pay.
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Next, I find a couple of oomies inside a small house. As I leave, I notice one of them follow after me. I took it as a hostile gesture and wrecked his soul. His companion then runs up throws gold on the ground and takes off! Hoho!
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I returned to the fort to be joined by Zodbad, Audbad, and Krothu. We then started an almost world wide patrol in the search of one thing...oomie heads! First we came across this oomie. We kindly demonstrated the dangers of unattended macroing to him.
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Next, we headed up towards Minoc. As we scoured K^S's territory we came across a few of the members going on about their typical day. The sight of our war-party and viciousness sent them fleeing in terror. However we did find this citizen sitting in his house...to bad he didn't lock his door!
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In the midst of stalking their territory Krothu lost connection, so the rest of us headed back down towards Vesper's forests. Finally we came across this guy...Jesus Christ. Apparently, he felt with a name like that he didn't need to lock his door either. Eventually the oomies will learn to lock their doors while URK's lurking around!
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In the woods just outside Vesper we came across our last victim of the hunt. For some reason I wasn't able to capture the carnage. However, Audbad delivered a precise arrow right to the oomie's back! With that kill she became a true red warrior of URK and I handed her the ceremonial head of the oomie! Nooggrraahh!!! With Audbad red, Zodbad and I now in stat-loss territory, we called it a day and headed back to the fort. All around a great hunt!

Posts: 102
Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:22 pm

Re: URK hunt 5/29

Post by Zodbad »

Hoho it was a fun night indeed

Posts: 1
Joined: Mon May 10, 2010 4:08 pm

Re: URK hunt 5/29

Post by Audbad »

Yes.....It was great!!!!!! :D

Posts: 102
Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:16 am

Re: URK hunt 5/29

Post by Greenmoon »

ya a little too fun! Couldn't do anything today but reorganzie my hut since I'm in stat loss! Hopefully I'll be out for tonight's fun!

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