Tresspasing houses

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Tresspasing houses

Post by Jacruth »

I think that any thief could do tresspassing houses in T2A.

I read:
House owners can add 'friends' to the friends list of the house. All characters on the account of the house owner will be auto-friended to the house, except characters that are owners of another house.

All players who are not on the friends list of a player building will highlight grey to the owner and his friends if they enter that building. This allows the owner and friends to deal with trespassers without fear of getting flagged.
Also, it could be possible to lockpick the doors of houses. I think that people used to put Crystall Comm in their houses to know when someone was tresspassing the house. And, anyway, there can be secured items, but there is a limit... so thieves could steal items not secured.

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Re: Tresspasing houses

Post by Dagon »

.. not sure what you are trying to suggest or claim accuracy on.... if you are not a friend of the house you are grey, that's how it works now and always has..

and each house has a limit to the number of secure containers and lockdowns, so..... again, that's how it works now and always has..

dont know about lockpicking house doors.. dont think so

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Re: Tresspasing houses

Post by Jacruth »

Forget this thread. I though I could find some clues about lockpicking houses (I think it was possible) but I is hard to find it.

Somewhere, I saw that it was possible to detect thieves using a Comm Crystal. However, I can't find the webpage.

If anyone knows some info related to lockpicking houses, please, post it.

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Re: Tresspasing houses

Post by punk »

I think that was the phase of housing before T2A
Erik [Hu]

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