Clan of the Dark Star Chronicles Episode 1: Reborn

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Mad Max
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Clan of the Dark Star Chronicles Episode 1: Reborn

Post by Mad Max »


~Dark Star Reborn~

The pieces are starting to come together, just like I had planned. But yet there is so much to be done. And also there is so much to explain never the less. I write this to the inhabitants of Sosaria as a declaration of intent. For there are darker things than I that exist out there in the great beyond. I guess I should start by explaining who I am, or what I am. I do know that I was sent here, and what I may tell you may as well be lies.

I am not from this land, but yet I know a great deal of it. I don't know how I know, maybe some sort of magik that has reincarnated me into this body. There is a darker driven purpose inside of me that I cannot explain. The need to kill, the bloodlust that drives me is of no comparison to the dread that threatens us all. I don't know how long it had been, but when I arrived here I had nothing.
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I had to retrain everything I knew from my previous life. I had to learn more of this purpose or mission I felt that I was on. I searched everywhere and finally my instincts led me to the dungeon of Despise. Deep within the dungeon I found writings that were so old it nearly crumbled as I picked it up. Careful I examined and read all of it, translating what I could and piecing together the rest. It must of been over two days I was down in the corridor, almost as if I was not myself. I suddenly had no urgency to eat or drink and continued on. What I learned that day is what shaped me into the man I am today.

All I will tell you is that thousands of years ago before these lands were named Sosaria. Somehow everything was wiped out, and many believed that something huge crashed upon the lands and destroyed everything. This is what, as legend now have it, to be the Dark Star. As I read further I found that they had actually found a way to stop the Dark Star from ever destroying the planet itself. The writings said that in fact it wasn't the Dark Star the destroyed so much, but it was the embodiment of it into a monster that could be killed.

The writings say that the Dark Star feeds off hate and violence. And the more hate it consumes the more impatient it grows and if consumed with so much hate it takes the form of a titan so powerful it could best an entire army.
The more hate and violence that happens in its wake the more we beckon it into the physical realm. Surely, the monster would take many lives, but we cannot allow the Dark Star to engulf it all. For if it does, then what I have dreamed will come true.

But to even awaken the idea of the Dark Star taking form into a monster, a great sacrifice must be made. And I have made that sacrifice. For I know deep down that the Dark Star heads for Sosaria as I write this very letter. According to my findings we should be able to see the star in the night skies within two weeks time. To awaken the idea of the embodiment of the Dark Star, a great sacrifice of someone of the utmost honor, innocence, and holiness had to be sought after.

I infiltrated a noble guild known as the Dungeon Guards.
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Towards the end they were catching onto my plight. I seized the opportunity and assassinated their leader, Melryn Moonstone. I took the body to an ancient summoning circle. Took the dagger of truths and ended his life, thus giving the rite of passage for the Dark Star to be reborn into the embodiment of a monster.
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The very grounds beneath me began to shake. I could feel it's presence deep within the earth, I can feel the evil that sleeps underground. If it feeds on the hate and violence that created it in the first place thousands of years ago, then it must be done to bring it back to form.

I will now begin a quest of bloodlust to all who oppose me or get in my way. A quest to save the world or surely be the end of it all. Clan of the Dark Star has been established as it starts with me. As I lay this ink pen down, I travel onward. Many will die, but for a good cause in the end. The misunderstood thrives on the willingness of those who do not do what is necessary to defeat true evil. I hope whoever reads this letter... you do not take the matter lightly. If you wish to know more, seek me out. I will know of it. Farewell, for now.

- Max
Last edited by Mad Max on Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Clan of the Dark Star Chronicles Episode 1

Post by Lupos »

Max I commend you for adding a role-playing element to your gameplay however putting up a forum post with a pretty shaky (Dark Star? Original...) back story and a couple of screenshots is a weak justification for your in game behaviour.

Honestly if you want to be an asshole, don't waste your time trying to justify it through role-playing as if it was all part of some giant evil plan when it's clear your short attention span caused you to go on an in game rampage.

Our brief IRC conversation about your actions definitely hasn't made this post more credible.

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Mad Max
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Re: Clan of the Dark Star Chronicles Episode 1

Post by Mad Max »

Are you really this mad because I almost killed you?

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Re: Clan of the Dark Star Chronicles Episode 1

Post by Lupos »

Max I've been playing the game from beta, dying in this hasn't bothered me for a long time let alone getting down to 50% life ;)

I actually enjoy role-playing mate, so if you want to do it this way... try a more convincing backstory and allow your in game actions to reflect more than just you taking the opportunity to join the pack of countless other griefers on the shard.

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