Put on yourself a disguise go to your nearest healer and use on of the trapped boxes, resurrect yourself and repeat.
You have now successfully removed the disguise kit in 30 seconds give or take.
Additional information and explanations:
If you want to know how this process works and how you can exploit it in two other ways go to my other guide: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=36868 (This explains how to change your beard and hair color to different colors when not disguised using the disguise kit, prolong the disguise kit's use and the more basic way of removing it if you don't have two trapped boxes)
If you plan on making the trapped boxes yourself trap them while they are on the floor to avoid a murder count (mistakes happen)
This is easily macroable:
Code: Select all
How to use the macro: Play the macro close to the healer, the macro will wait for a menu, walk/run back and forth to get the healer to recognize you.
You will automatically pick to resurrect yourself and set off the next bomb, do this again to auto-resurrect again, the macro is finished and you will be without a disguise.
After doing this a few times you will get the hang of it and it will take very little time to do.
Recommendation: Place in your thief's bank box a container of sorts to keep your two trapped boxes as to not accidentally place anything inside them when you put your loot in place.
Before you disconnect, close your paper doll grab the two trapped boxes and remove the disguise at the healer so as to avoid logging in with unset in-game macro's or non costume interface settings.