Yeah, they occasionally spawn in the south room. A better option if you have a free client is to leave a player logged in there. Even if someone comes to grief you, they'll think twice before taking a murder count on characters standing around holding nothing. Generally I would tame everything, kill off the spawn, run to the southeast corner of the south room and afk until respawn. By the time I got back the HHs would already be in the SE corner of the north room, ready to tame.randale wrote:Or, maybe I don't have to, they automatically spawn in that room (so you'll be hidden when it happens?) unless they spawn in the rabbit room, so they first aggro on the rabbit and you then place the boxes, correct?
I used a method similar to Rose's after 95 taming as the method described here starts to become very manual. At about 98 I moved to Ice Dungeon and manually finished as the HH respawn time just became painful.