Pets not listening

For ideas on how to make Second Age a better shard. Can it get any better? Maybe.
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Pets not listening

Post by nightmare »

I am a tamer 98.5 i have been fighting things with my pets since i was 97.2 my pets have gotten worse and worse about listening everyday i get on. 4 days ago it would be every other comand so about 50/50 which is bs in itself even at 97.2. 2 days ago i could not for the life of me get my mare to do anything i wasted 25 meat feeding 1 at a time. I would wait until it said my pet was wonderfully happy then I would try to command it and nothing this went on for 15 min before it listened. ok whatever keep playing the game, then yesterday i was trying to get my pet to attack a thief it would not listen after about 30 tries i called a Gm he said it was me being 98.5 well after some talking to him about the fact the pet should have attacked 1 time out of 30 he came to check it out after showing up and checking out my mare the mare listened to every command the rest of the day!!!...Weird huh? Then i get on today and all the sudden I start having the same problem again my mare wouldnt listen for anything and it cost me 8k in gold my life and my mare when I shouldnt have lost anything even if the mare would have taken 3-4 times to listen i would have made it out!!! That being said how could my pets listen better at a lower lvl then now and why would the 3 points or so make less of a diference in my pet listening than the 1.5 til I gm? shouldnt it be a more even climb? not a 50% for 4 points and 50% for the last 1? that is not right by any means! This is not to say at gm the pets listen 100% of the time its saying that if you are gm it listens 80% of the time and at 98.5 it listens 40% or 50% of what it would at gm..and I know you guys are going to say thats not the way it is but I SEE IT you can say whatever you want to it does not change anything 30 commands with a pet and to get nothing good out of it is not right and needs to be fixed. I have played this game for alot of years I started during this period and I have had a tamer the whole time and never ever had problems like this EVER. Being that I can not play my tamer the way i should be able to and be able to enjoy the game the way i used to there is no reason to keep playing it until it gets fixed!!! which I hope is soon!!!!!!!

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