Arm/Disarm bug? (not fixed by Object Delay Queue checkbox)

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Arm/Disarm bug? (not fixed by Object Delay Queue checkbox)

Post by Mikel123 »

Hi guys, I was hoping you could help me with a Razor macro issue I'm having.

I've set up a parry dexer, so I want to make a macro to use a Recall scroll to recall away (at my magery level, casting it could still fizzle).

Right now I have this:

Exec: Arm/Disarm Left Hand
Pause 1.00 sec
Exec: Arm/Disarm Right Hand
Pause 1.00 sec
Double Click (Recall(1F4c))
Wait for Target

And then I'd manually target a rune. I know the pauses are excessive, I just wanted to make sure that's not the issue.

Anyways... the first time I play this macro, it works. Then if I Escape out of the targeting cursor and re-Arm each hand and hit it again, it goes through each step but does not product a targeting cursor. Additionally, if I try to use a skill, I find I'm bugged and cannot use a skill (I get the "you must wait a few moments...") until I log out, or sometimes if I open a bank or a door to somehow "reset" it. If I just try to use Hiding, even for 30 seconds in a row, I get the "you must wait a few moments...".

Anyways... any idea why this won't work the second and subsequent times? Or, anyone else have an idea as to how they'd set up a double-disarm, Recall scroll macro? Thanks a lot.

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Re: Arm/Disarm bug? (not fixed by Object Delay Queue checkbox)

Post by Dagon »

I don't know about your problem, but as far as the arming/disarming I think there's one for just arm/disarm whatever you are holding, in both hands. It would save a little step rather than having to disarm left and right.

If I am wrong then I know that I have mine set up in the Dress tab for hand weapons, then I set a hotkey to dress/undress the weapons.

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Re: Arm/Disarm bug? (not fixed by Object Delay Queue checkbox)

Post by Mikel123 »

OK thanks, I'll try setting a one-macro arm/disarm.

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