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Re: Offer two castle's as reward for "All Kill" information.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:53 pm
by tekai

this is 7ish months past our cutoff date, they mention making a song "all kill no skill"

Re: Offer two castle's as reward for "All Kill" information.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:04 pm
by Mikel123
Eaglestaff wrote:I remember that for a time I would rename my demons "a" and "b" and have two macros "a kill" and "b kill"
Boy were you dumb. Didn't you know, you could just say "all kill"? Seems like a lot of work.

Re: Offer two castle's as reward for "All Kill" information.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:42 pm
by fooka03
Well things are getting better.

From July 1999

During an O-C battle, guy describes an incident in detail:
While strolling through Bucs Den I happened across Miss Airwalk who was Chaos. Being Order at the time myself, I decided that I would show her some love. I dumped on her hard, dropping her on two occasions to 4% health only to have her associate Airwalk, (who wasnt chaos at the time) heal her over and over again. I asked her "Care to 1 on 1 without a blue healer?" To which she replied "You suck." Now this was amusing. Here she would have been dead on at least 2 occasions were she not saved by her blue healer, and she has the nerve to tell me that I suck. Ok, no problem. I stroll into the woods, and return with a summoned Daemon, a halby and a Flamestrike with her name on it. This time she was too busy saying "ugghhnnn!" and laying down for a nap to tell me that I sucked again. Our hero Airwalk seeing his dear girly eat it, decided to KOP out.

Not 2 minutes later a gate opens. Hmm, who could this be? Well whaddya know, two Daemons pop out. Unfortunately for Airwalk (the owner of the gate and the Daemons) they came through first to block the gate. By the time Airwalk got through (now Chaos mind you) myself and a fellow Order had already dispelled them, so Airwalks repeated cries of "all kill!, all kill!" fell on deaf ears. Even funnier was that he ran about in confusion for a moment still calling for his pets, not realizing that they were no longer there. Needless to say, Airwalk was soon sharing a warm patch of grass with his beloved.

We took what reagents they had, and proceded to use them to kill their horses, and res kill them about 20 times each. Normally I wouldnt have been so cruel, but Miss Airwalk insisted on running about in a deathrobe obviously upset about her demise yelling friendly shouts of "You *sucking *!!!" at me and my associates.

The moral of the story? Using blue healers is as gimpy and gutless of a tactic as there is. Using Blue healers AND talking * means not only are you a spineless douchebag, but one with absolutely no class at all. Bitching and whining in a a deathrobe afterwards is merely icing on the cake.

So for your blatent acts of cowardice, ignorance, and general stupidity, I am proud to award you two with the coveted Sparky. Enjoy!
So the all kill was able to command two daemons onto a single target. Seeing as summons behave the same way as pets do, regarding commands, this is a step in the right direction.

Just as a check on test, currently summons behave exactly as pets do, the attack commands are queued. From the above incident it appears that summons, and by proxy pets, should all act as one when given the command "all kill"

Whether or not this was a stealth patch, or accidentally implemented in May with the introduction of the "all" commands will probably remain a mystery. However, with this evidence, coupled with a lot of player recollections on the matter, this should be enough to prove that pets currently do not behave as they should and that "all kill" should be fixed to have all pets act on the command in queued fashion (as they currently do) however the queue should be automatically processed (as opposed to manually with repeated commands as it currently is).

Re: Offer two castle's as reward for "All Kill" information.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:03 pm
by Nexus
People used the command despite its ineffectiveness.

Re: Offer two castle's as reward for "All Kill" information.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:36 pm
by nightshark
Nexus wrote:People used the command despite its ineffectiveness.
agreed. i would use all kill for my deamons etc before i made a tamer, simply because then you do not have to rename your pets to command them.

i had a tamer in early UO:R and had to use "a kill" "b kill" macros. if you follow the timeline of posts on usenet, it's painfully obvious when reading with an open mind that all kill simply did not work during era. it was only effectively patched in like early 2001 - and it's the first time you notice people saying that all kill is actually effective, and how overpowered it is. it's no surprise that this was also at the same time as a major taming overhaul!

there's a sticky on this

Re: Offer two castle's as reward for "All Kill" information.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:56 pm
by fooka03
nightshark wrote:it was only effectively patched in like early 2001 - and it's the first time you notice people saying that all kill is actually effective, and how overpowered it is. it's no surprise that this was also at the same time as a major taming overhaul!
About the time of pub 16... as I suspected all along.

Well Stranger, looks like you get to keep your castles. The only "hard" evidence points towards a non-working all kill. Sorry I couldn't do better but there's simply not any evidence for your case.

Re: Offer two castle's as reward for "All Kill" information.

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:17 am
by platypus
As much as I would love to back Stranger up on this issue, I'm pretty sure Derrick and everyone else is right. Tamers were overpowered during the era because there was barely any tamers, from my recollection. Sometime in 99 (I had played for about 6 months already), I remember going to Papua bank and seeing dragons and wyrms and being like "HOLY CRAP WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE", because I didn't even know players could tame dragons.

And as much as I argued about the "all kill patch" before, think about it. With most players on the server having a GM tamer, I really wouldn't wanna see all kill work here again. You'd have every Tom, Dick and Harry camping all the hotspots with 20 wyrms like what used to always happen. Everyone would whine constantly on IRC/forums about tamers being overpowered again, etc.

What I think needs to be fixed is: high end pet speed and loyalty issues.

Pet Speed: Dragons and wyrms were still pretty useful until about a year ago. I'm not sure which patch it was, but it was the same patch that dumbed down pet AI...the patch totally nerfed pet speed. I remember wyrms moving like one tile per second and dragons not being much better. Derrick fixed the speed a couple weeks later, but then their AI became totally screwed up and they'd jerk back and force constantly and get stuck on everything. Then a few weeks later, the AI was fixed again but the speed was nerfed again. Since then, tamed wyrm and dragon speed has been WAAAAAAAAAY too slow. Look at all of the newsgroup posts from 98-99 and they will all tell you that a tamed wyrm can keep up with a mounted player. So since 6-9 months ago, wyrms and dragons have become completely useless for PvP.

Loyalty: This is the change that made me mostly quit playing here. This change was made in the past 2 months. I have no idea what change was made to pet AI, but it is incredibly wacky and wrong now. Pets will NOT stop attacking aggressors if they're near, even after the owner issues dozens of "all follow me" or "all stay" commands. Pets will also instantly acquire new targets while they are in aggro mode, and will not stop attacking the new targets either. This makes pets useless for any PvM that involves more than 1 or 2 high end monsters. For example, I used to use my nightmare to kill drakes and dragons in Wind. I would attack/kill 1 drake with my mare, issue an "all follow me", mount the mare and then EV the next monster. If I tried this now, there would be no possible way to mount my mare, and my mare would eventually die because it continually attacks anything onscreen. Pretty sure this isn't completely accurate...pets on OSI probably acquired new targets, but not instantly. I'm sure there was some sort of delay, like the way monsters work here. I'm also pretty sure you could mount after issuing a follow command, even if the pet was in aggro mode. Otherwise mares would've been worthless for PvM or PvP on OSI, which they were not.

Re: Offer two castle's as reward for "All Kill" information.

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:33 am
by Stranger
I am defiantly not asking for anything that era inaccurate. If the current all kill system is accurate then im all for it. As far as pet speed I admit I agree with Platy. Wyrms seem extremely fast when wild but once tamed are woefully slow. As far as the pets acquiring targets, I also agree. I mentioned this to Derrick but I dont think he understood how bad it was. It seems to be mostly with nightmares. If there are several mobs in the area if you hop off your mare he acquires a target and you cannot get him away from that target no matter how many times you spam all follow me or how many times you try and get on him. And once you kill the target he is instantly on the next target. Right now if you hop off your nightmare then you basically have to kill every hostile in the area to get back on it.

Re: Offer two castle's as reward for "All Kill" information.

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:04 am
by fooka03
I noticed that today as well Stranger. A tamer came by the Jhel farms to work on some bulls. They would jump off their mare to have it kill the bulls then move on to the next. However, there was an alligator going after some pretames and the mare completely ignored the owner and would not un-target the gator. The guy said he had 98 taming (and I assume gm lore) so something is acting up.

Re: Offer two castle's as reward for "All Kill" information.

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:09 pm
by Faust
You can thank me later for wrapping this topic up for good my sons...

Subject: Pet Commands: All <target>
Faust wrote:At least my information will not be lost unlike in the other billion threads since this thread is sticky...

Jun 29, 1999 - Pre:UOR - wrote: Have you noticed that it doesn't work with all commands? I have been giving commands like "All kill" and I know the pets are tamed hard, but only one will respond.

The all follow seems to work right though.
February 4, 2000 - Pre:UOR - wrote: My whole instruction queue gets munged.
Typical exchange:
me "all guard" - target myself only pets and yourself can be guarded
me "all follow me" - 'me guarded'
me "all follow me"
me "all kill" - nothing
me "all follow me" - get attacked.
April 10, 2000 - Pre:UOR - wrote: I will tell you there is a bug with the 'all kill' command, it only works on one pet no matter how many pets you have. You could have a 1000 dragons and give an all kill command and only one responds.

It is that simple, tame two dogs, give the all kill command on a rabbit, see how many attack.

I can accept a certain level of ignorance, I can accept a certain level of disagreement. I draw the line when something is a demonstrable as checking out the all kill command being broken that can be done in 2 minutes is ignored so people can say the sky is falling. All guard does work, but anyone that is guarded has that appearing over their head.
April 30, 2000 - UOR - wrote: Another off hand comment, you now get a message when you use the "all kill" command that it doesn't work. I sit here puzzled, it never had worked, so is
this an admission that it is broken or OSI taking credit for a bug as a feature that avoids an exploit?

Reply: I believe the comment is something about "The 'all' option cannot be used with a targeting command" (such as kill or attack) But it does make the closest pet perform the command...