Why do YOU, personally play on T2A, rather than another

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Re: Why do YOU, personally play on T2A, rather than another

Post by Cerwyn »

Hybrid is directly included in official Razor login so it helps.
I played there, it is just faster than UOSA and maybe more "adapted" for players need nowadays.
The big problem of UOSA is it feels empty. Much more than Hybrid. By the way it is almost impossible to find a place to place a house... Very weird situation. But I love those shards because they are all promoting this old good UO game :D

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Re: Why do YOU, personally play on T2A, rather than another

Post by Wychethyl »

Ah, Hybrid..

Hybrid actually was pretty fun though the mechanics leave a lot to be desired, although this may have changed in the 1.5 years since I've logged in there. Just about every serious pvper is a stun/alch mage which is rather godawfully boring. Obviously this is a matter of personal taste, but running around stunning people with a punch (hoping your stun chance succeeds and praying your opponent's stun fails) while lobbing purple potions nonstop (thanks to the alchemy bonus to damage) is just a sadly ludicrous facsimile of UO pvp.

Oddly enough, the overwhelming dominance of such a build caused the rise of bola tamers (Tamers with tactics so they can dismount from their mares, chuck bolas at the ethereal mounted stun/alchys and then use their mares to run down the dismounted foe with a nice "All Kill" thrown in. In the 6 odd months I played there part-time I watched this hilarious matchup with very little sympathy for the stun-ganked tamers or the neverending complaining of the "mages" who thought they were far too good to die to such a basic and skill-free tactic.

Add in the inability to escape combat through recall if you were an aggressor or had 1 murder count, the absurdly easy skill gains, the economy driven almost entirely by runic weapons, lightning wands (not even joking they sold for 1-2k a charge, gheals 3-5k a charge), tons of banksitters, neon hellscape, the fact that you can buy skill/stats/gold/mounts, etc - it made the game far less enjoyable/satisfying/challenging.

There were some great people there, and crafting was somewhat interesting with BODs; but it just didn't remind me enough of the UO I played back in the day and the changes were so dumb as to make the game nearly unplayable.

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Re: Why do YOU, personally play on T2A, rather than another

Post by GuardianKnight »

I haven't played any shard except for UOSA. I don't really play anymore. Think of my return as a signal that the playerbase has gotten even slightly less horrid. I don't want to play on a server full of heartless trolls. I come back for 2 months and leave again, hoping for change.
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Re: Why do YOU, personally play on T2A, rather than another

Post by Juka »

Revive thread, be reborn!

I would like to revisit this topic with the current state of UOSA.

Why is UOSA better, is it stability, the pvp, era accuracy?

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Re: Why do YOU, personally play on T2A, rather than another

Post by Freeza »

Juka wrote:Revive thread, be reborn!

I would like to revisit this topic with the current state of UOSA.

Why is UOSA better, is it stability, the pvp, era accuracy?

One word, the GM's, in particular - BoomlandJenkins.
Markmosthandsome wrote:
Finesse wrote:-f- disbanded no comment.
lol wtf I'm in the guild and Idk what's going on....

<Pristiq> Shut up prodigy you anti-intellectual simian.

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Re: Why do YOU, personally play on T2A, rather than another

Post by Drunk'n Disorder »

I was out looking for pastry and i stumbled in here....
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Re: Why do YOU, personally play on T2A, rather than another

Post by Ragancy »

The ping. UOSA is fast relative to most servers I've played. I ping 40-60 here and 80-100 on UOR and UOF. Makes a huge difference.

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Re: Why do YOU, personally play on T2A, rather than another

Post by Brules »

Def not because of Kaivan lol.....thank goodness for Boom.

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Re: Why do YOU, personally play on T2A, rather than another

Post by Missy B »


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Re: Why do YOU, personally play on T2A, rather than another

Post by Zeppelin »

Why Do I play here? Because I enjoy playing here.

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Re: Why do YOU, personally play on T2A, rather than another

Post by Drunk'n Disorder »

Brules wrote:Def not because of Kaivan lol.....thank goodness for Boom.
This seems like the wrong thread for gm bashing...
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Re: Why do YOU, personally play on T2A, rather than another

Post by Eastwood »

I prefer the era of UOSA more than any other.

I also enjoy the pre T2A era but it's almost useless without a large player base, and it won't ever have one now adays.
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Re: Why do YOU, personally play on T2A, rather than another

Post by Narcissic »

Gotta love the T2A ruleset, the lack of Trammel, and the kickass GM known as Boomland Jenkins. I got people I like and people I don't and I feel like a real part of the community here.
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Re: Why do YOU, personally play on T2A, rather than another

Post by morgan1109 »

1. Nostalgia – this was the era I played when I was young. I was looking for the look and feel and after perusing the various options I settled on T2A and have never looked back. I think it was the best era, and I believe this shard did the best job of replicating it.

2. Home ownership – It’s one of the few games where you can actually own land in the game. It enhances the feel that you are part of the world. I can see my neighbors come home from a hard day at sea and say hello, etc.

3. The people – I’ve met mostly kindness in game and have done my best to propagate that forward since joining. You build relationships, and for some reason the best relationships I built in an MMO came in this one. I’m not sure why, but this game with less tools than more modern games was much better at making those people connections.

4. The danger – Having the threat of imminent death is an adrenaline rush. Sometimes you can’t even trust the blues out in the world. That can’t be undersold.

5. The sandbox style – I don’t like following a script which most MMO’s do. I can be anything I want. It’s precisely that diversity that allows for the Hally Mage which I don’t actually care for. If you want that diversity there is a price and the preponderance of hally mages is that price.

6. Crafting – in most MMO’s crafting is an afterthought. Here you can actually make nothing but crafters and live a good life thanks to the sandbox style.

7. Quick travel – With one little medium level mage cast (recall) I can be anywhere in the world in seconds (two-three recalls depending on where you want to go). It’s cheap and it’s easy and mostly everyone can do it. There’s no built in down time which makes spending time crafting viable.

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