Some questions from a newbie

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Some questions from a newbie

Post by Anomen »

Hello fellows,

I have played now the game for 3 days and I have to say, this game makes really fun!! So much possibilities to play a char. Never seen this before in any other mmorpg I played so far. But therefore its really complicated, and i had to read much about the game on internet. Now i know that looting blue boodies in town is a bad idea ( a bit too late :] ) ,but i have still several question and i would be glad if someone can answer these question, least some of them. I just start now...

1) Where can i see how much dmg i do with my bow? In stat window is just written 0 - 0 ^^

2) How do i know when i should repair my equipment? I dont see any hp's of the item when i click on it. And how can i repair my items, when i am not a blacksmith?

3) I have some items named 'magic ~ ' . What does that mean? I saw in some shops magic items with descriptions. From where do the sellers know about these abilities of the item?

4) How can i send someone a private msg in game? and is there something like a friend list, where i can add new friends?

5) I saw that i have a quest log. Where can i get some quests?

At last I want to ask something about my char. I make an archer and i want to skill:
-animal lore
-animal taming

Is that a good choice? Its my first char and i dont know if this build is playable at higher skill lvls? So any tipps would be welcome.
Thank you for any answers and cya in game!
Greets Anomen

Werthers Chewbackas
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Re: Some questions from a newbie

Post by Werthers Chewbackas »

1. You'll never know exactly how much damage you do. That's T2A. Not sure about how current UO is handling this.

2. You'll get a message that says, "Your equipment is severely damaged." This is vague at best though but you can usually tell when it's your weapon or a piece of equipment. You can use Arms Lore too. If you don't want to make a Smith go on IRC and ask for one. Seek out Excalibur Bane.

3. Item Identification will tell you the properties of magic items. Look in the T2A Wiki for more details on magic properties.

4. You can't. There isn't.

Only you can answer the question about your characters. If you want to have a GM Lumberjacktamer, good for you but that 100 points could probably be put to use doing something else if you're looking to make a PvP/E character. Same goes for Fletching. You don't even need any skill in chopping wood to get a lot of the resource so it's a pretty useless skill to have.
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Re: Some questions from a newbie

Post by Anomen »

Ty for the fast answer. I guess i keep lumberjacking and fletching at a lower lvl, to skill a bit item identification.

Werthers Chewbackas
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Re: Some questions from a newbie

Post by Werthers Chewbackas »

Anomen wrote:Ty for the fast answer. I guess i keep lumberjacking and fletching at a lower lvl, to skill a bit item identification.
Yeah, have at it or..something...

Your syntax reminds me of Borat.

This is a good thing.
"And then every single one of my brain cells cried out in joyful unison, that they would be spared further torment at the hands of this %$#$-nut saturated environment."

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Re: Some questions from a newbie

Post by archaicsubrosa77 »

Anomen wrote:At last I want to ask something about my char. I make an archer and i want to skill:
-animal lore
-animal taming

Is that a good choice? Its my first char and i dont know if this build is playable at higher skill lvls? So any tipps would be welcome.
Thank you for any answers and cya in game!
Greets Anomen
You have no way in which to heal yourself nor your beasts using this template, and you have no way in which to protect yourself against magic. What you will find is that you cannot do it all in one character.

Archery is better as a secondary weapon choice. Many characters with high dexterity choose this skill with another melee skill and they either have healing or magery to be able to heal.

Taming almost always has Vet to heal your pets, and always has Magery perferably with Meditation in order to heal yourself/pets and to gate them anywhere at the very least.

Usually, though not always people use crafting skills on an alternate character which frees up their adventure class characters from having to spend skill slots on civilian based trades.

Remember you can have 3 accounts and 15 characters total. Do not try to do everything all on one character.

Party Chat

To Party chat click on the second scroll in your paperdoll on the bottom left near its feet. Your party menu will come up which will allow new members to your party amongst other things. If someone types "/accept" at the invitation, you can see their whereabouts on general positioning in razor and also you can type / forward lash before any message for your other members to see. For guild chat you would use \ backslash.
Derrick wrote:I wish it were possible that a mount could be whacked while you are riding it, but to the best of my knowedge it is not.

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Re: Some questions from a newbie

Post by Anomen »

Didnt know that you can have more than one account. Just tested it and it works!
I think i'll do a mage/tamer hybrid. Ty for your answer.

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