A Vision, A Warning - The Dark Rising #3.0

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A Vision, A Warning - The Dark Rising #3.0

Post by Stargazer »

"And in all these things grant me the honor of continuing to serve you now and forever, amen." Silas looked up from his prayer. The chapel was empty. Candles flickered in their holders on either side of the tall ankh. The Prophet rose to his feet and was suddenly consumed in flame. His heart beat furiously, but then calmed. Slowly the surrounding pews melted away. The ankh began to glow bright, and then brighter still until the light burned away the rest of the chapel.
The Prophet is summoned.
The Prophet is summoned.
10-12-09 - 01 The Vision.JPG (69.62 KiB) Viewed 2688 times
Suddenly Silas found himself standing in a familiar plane - nothingness. There was no sound, no draft, and nothing to see. Pinpricks of light flickered in and out.
The vision of Kerahl begins.
The vision of Kerahl begins.
10-12-09 - 02 The Void.JPG (16.29 KiB) Viewed 2688 times
"Mine Prophet..." the voice intoned strength, and determination. The sound of it was like rolling thunder cracking and splitting the sky. There were no walls that would echo the sound, but it echoed nonetheless. Silas did not cower, nor was he startled when his Lord spoke.
"My Lord." Silas responded, and knelt down in prostration before God.
"Mine command wilt issue forth now." the voice crackled with energy across the void.
“I am prepared, my Lord.”
“The Enemy hath returneth to Britannia. He doth raise corpses of the unliving, and this is perversion.”
“What is your will, my Lord?”
”Thou canst not defeat Him without the Relic. Use this event to draw forth the Dark Ones from the masses. Prepare thyself and mine peoples for war against The Enemy. I wilt show thee how to find the Relic and the task. A ritual must take place during Britannia’s Hallow’s Day Eve.” The commanding voice subsided, and seemingly rolled away from Silas’ presence. The void grew dark.

Silas awoke back in the chapel, knelt with his head pressing against the base of the ankh. As he lifted, he found a grey scroll between his palms where they rest on the ground. Before anything else, he knew that the news needed to be passed on to the masses of Britannia, the living and the dead, to be aware of the Black God, Lord Aldaen of Destruction.
The masses are warned about Lord Aldaen the Black.
The masses are warned about Lord Aldaen the Black.
10-12-09 - 03 Aldaen Warning.JPG (27.6 KiB) Viewed 2688 times
Last edited by Stargazer on Tue Oct 13, 2009 4:08 pm, edited 4 times in total.
†Lord Silas Du'Vry
Prophet of Kerahl
The Cult of the Midnight Wraiths

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Re: A Vision, A Warning - The Dark Rising #3.0

Post by Stargazer »

“Beware the coming of Lord Aldaen the Black!” Silas continued to call out across the bank at West Britain, home of the scum of the country. The area was full of thieves who snooped your pouches and stole from you the instant you turned your head. The fresh corpse of a theif lay on the ground, newly executed by Lord British’s guards for thieving. For every one that got caught though, twenty ran off unchallenged.
“Fuck Aldaen! I raped him last night, Hahahahaha!” Drunkards taunted the Prophet, idiots unaware of the danger that awaited them. The Black God had returned, and would no doubt march against Britain to set an example. Silas’ first order was to pass a warning, and he did so. Holding a candle in the dark, two followers in the church stood behind him watching his purse and his person, prepared to die for their Prophet in the service of the Dark Lord Kerahl.
Silas and two followers warn the masses, seeking Dark Ones and calling them to service.
Silas and two followers warn the masses, seeking Dark Ones and calling them to service.
The ethereal world of the undead was being warned as well. There was nothing they could do to change their state, but they could beg Kerahl for forgiveness, and redemption. More than one had found solace in turning to God to relieve their state.
“There is but one true God…” the spirits moaned. These were past servants of Kerahl who had turned against Him, and as Heretics were condemned when they died. Most heretics came to realize the truth of the Dark Lord’s commands after it was too late, and hoped to curry favor with Him by being bound to His will in the darkness.
Spirits bound in eternal service to Kerhal deliver the warning to those who are dead.
Spirits bound in eternal service to Kerhal deliver the warning to those who are dead.
10-12-09 - 05 Warning the Dead.JPG (69.76 KiB) Viewed 2681 times
Last edited by Stargazer on Tue Oct 13, 2009 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
†Lord Silas Du'Vry
Prophet of Kerahl
The Cult of the Midnight Wraiths

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Re: A Vision, A Warning - The Dark Rising #3.0

Post by Stargazer »

†Lord Silas Du'Vry
Prophet of Kerahl
The Cult of the Midnight Wraiths

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Re: A Vision, A Warning - The Dark Rising #3.0

Post by JoshuaLee »

Silas I commend you on how you went on with the dark rising. I remember when we started it awhile ago, that was a lot of fun. Very good work man you have a lot of good ideas going and look forward to more definitely. 5/5
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Re: A Vision, A Warning - The Dark Rising #3.0

Post by Stargazer »

Thank you man. You had a big hand in getting us started here. You gave me a house on one of my first nights on the server. You were instrumental in getting us going here. I promised you that night that I was here to make an impact on the shard and make more RP happen, and I'm coming through. I love this shard and will be here for a good long while.

First and foremost, I love RP. The GM staff has been amazing in helping my stories and ideas come to life. While I can think it all up and work on ways to involve the community, they're the ones that actually make it happen.
†Lord Silas Du'Vry
Prophet of Kerahl
The Cult of the Midnight Wraiths

Arkosh Kovasz
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Re: A Vision, A Warning - The Dark Rising #3.0

Post by Arkosh Kovasz »

Aye! Really enjoying reading these posts. Keep it up.

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