New Player

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New Player

Post by Supai »

I loved playing UO and seeing how you have tried to keep the world as true to normal as possible I am thinking this may be the right place. Just curious how the world is. My memory may be failing due to age, but I seem to recall the REDS starting to match numbers with the BLUES before Tram opened way back when because people started getting bored.

Am I going to find as a new player that half of the population is just out to give me a headache or is it mostly Blues with the Reds adding all kinds of flavor? I don't mind getting some PVP even though I think I stink, but one does need to have some real play time to. :shock:

Thanks much.

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Re: New Player

Post by Zane »

You're going to find plenty of reds since there are few blues who hunt them.

With that said, even with the pk encounters you can still enjoy your time playing here and will learn how to escape/avoid them rather quickly... I did lol.

Don't get discouraged by reds. They were a big part of UO of that era, but the blues still manage to have plenty to play with still.

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Re: New Player

Post by SJane3384 »

I kind of feel like its maybe a 1:4 or 5 ratio Reds/Blues. I hardly ever run into reds except for at events, and at the last two they didn't bother me at all.

Also, there are a LOT of people here who try to be really helpful to new players. Getting into a new shard can be kind of challenging if you're by yourself, so having these guys around was what made me decide to stay.
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Re: New Player

Post by Zane »

I guess I should have added that I do encounter many more blues then reds (like SJane said).

I just don't want anyone to think that if they get attack by some reds right off the bat that the server is nothing but reds. There are many people ready to help you out if you need it (also like SJane said).

Don't let anything I said scare you off if you're averse to red players.

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Re: New Player

Post by JoshuaLee »

Me and my guild pk often but just for the pvp. Most people here are reds I think because you find the most action there, as opposed to being blue where your pvp experience can be limited. But like Dagon said it's not that hard to learn how to avoid them altogether. By making a simple macro recall and getting good reaction speed you can easily dodge reds.
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Re: New Player

Post by Artulk »

It's not too bad. I solo a lot myself. Hide stealth helps ofcourse and maybe some tracking but if it doesnt fit in your template then it doesnt help.

I set up a nice escape macro, Double click your scissors then your bandages. Then retarget your macro to a recall scroll and retarget your bandages to your rune to town. Set it up on a one button macro and poof your gone 90% of the time before your damaged, if you don't hesitate ofcourse. Reds in dungeons aren't there to make conversation. Sometimes out in the field they will talk to you instead of trying for an easy murder count.

Keep in mind your financial empire. If you have 10k gold saved up in the bank don't farm a dungeon up to 10k and then recall. You don't want to be killed in a dungeon with as little as 10% or more of your life savings. Recall out when your have 1500g or less even. I've had 200k in teh bank and I still recall with 4 or 5k on me. I don't push it, even if its quiet out. Just recall back and keep farming. Cause you know if you get pked you lost all your gold AND the time/money it takes you to get set back up for farming. Leave your rune book in the bank, its not blessed.

Also half the reds will rez you after you die. Some will give your stuff back. Most take your money and your regs but leave you your town rune and scrolls behind. Just don't travel with what your not willing to lose and it takes the sting out of it. ALWAYS give a murder count. It's just one more count closer to stat loss which is more time afk macroing a count off and not hunting you down for another count.

And ofcourse some reds are here to grief others. Hell, I admit, sometimes I'm in a bad mood and being human, there is some grim satisfaction in taking out my aggression on others and I find myself PKing someone or picking up there loot, or dragging off there npc they are afk macroing on etc.

And remember its the risk in this game that makes it exciting. Nothing fun about dying in DAOC, u keep all your gear, lose a bit of money and some exp, but can never lose a level. Hell we used to kill ourselves cause it was faster travel that way by /release to your bind stone. Crappy. In this game you struggle to stay alive cause there is no advantage to dying ( except ghost scouting and thats something different altogether.)

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