Mobs idling and tamed creatures not doing as told.

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Mobs idling and tamed creatures not doing as told.

Post by Nicoladen »

REPORTED ISSUE: Mobs idling and tamed creatures not doing as told.

ISSUE DETAILS: Sometimes MOBS will not aggro even though you stand right next to them. Sometimes pets will do the "I agree sound/animation" but will just stay put at the same place.
I tamed the White Wyrm in Ice Dungeon without it aggroing me at all (4-5 tries) it didnt budge. Didn't trap it at all. It's not always just issues here and there. Had the same issue with a troll outside my keep. It just stood there until I threw a spell on it (harm)

ENVIRONMENT DETAILS: W7, UOSA client version with razor (running both as xp sp3 comp and as admin)

STEPS TO RECREATE: You need to find a mob that is idling even tho you stand next to it for 30+ seconds a white wyrm for instance. If you have a tamed creature tell it commands and wait for it to accept but not doing what it's told.

EXPECTED RESULTS: I would expect to get wtfpwned by the whity wyrm. I would expect my tamed creature to do as command when it does the accept suond/animation.

DATE REPORTED: 4th of October 2010



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Re: Mobs idling and tamed creatures not doing as told.

Post by Derrick »

Thanks much for this report and your additional help this morning further detailing the behavior of this bug. I believe I've found the problem and should have this fixed in the next patch.
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