Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

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Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

Post by Mirage »

I'm selling the server birth rare "Ore Cart".

Picture is enclosed in post of the item.

Bidding will begin at $7 mil, I reserve the right not to sell for any reason.
Buyout will be $11 mil.

PMs are accepted, please don't waste our time posting about value unless your bidding. I am not accepting anything but gold/neon masks/sandals for this item. (No silver, other rares etc.) Best of luck to all!
Syntax of the Wolfpack (TW) - PVP Since 97'

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Re: Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

Post by Kabal »

cool item
Derrick wrote: . . .get real please.
"F**k that Morpheus, I'm takin' em both!" -Kabal
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Lord Cavewight of GL
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Re: Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

Post by Lord Cavewight of GL »

Its not very fair to sell people an item you were told was not complete as complete. I told you nearly in april man.


Just so everyone knows your cart is a 3 part item so you can stop advertising it as a complete item.

Very convenient you left this information out isnt it? Honest sales are the only way to do business sir and using the lack of knowledge of other buyers on a Unique for a higher profit is not fair.

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Re: Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

Post by Mirage »

Where would that item even fit into my item? Another attempt to try and get me to hold onto this wonderful item like you've been doing for several MONTHS. Like I warned you before about butting into my posts, I'm going to put you on blast now. I originally approached Cavewight to sell him the item thinking that he was a honest veteran and I didn't feel like taking this item to auction. What a mistake this was. After agreeing on selling him my ore cart, and anchor for 20 mil he asked for time to raise up the money and told me that it wouldn't take but 2 months. Two months passed I messaged him, he didn't have the money and then he sent this.

Message subject: Re: Items
From: Lord Cavewight of GL Reputation: 9
Sent: Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:01 pm
To: Mirage
Give me till August 1st and ill see if I can have it all by then. But so far I have around 9mill and a bunch of other stuff to sell.

Guess what August came and he STILL didn't have the money. Seeing as I have nothing to hide since I've always been a man of my word and went out of my way to make sure every transaction I've done was followed through with (to avoid unprofessional, dishonest, jealous, wanna-be UOSA 1%'er like CaveWight) I'm going to post the conversation we had through pms just to prove how butt-hurt he is and how much of a dishonest, unprofessional tradesman he is. If you're interested in reading, fine, if not ignore, item is still for sale. Such a shame someone posing as a honest broker, tradesman, "veteran" resorted to this.

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Lord Cavewight of GL

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The item is three parts. Inside UO confirms this.

I have it in my bank. Yes you may have part of the ore cart but thats not really an issue.

If you do want 25mill it will take me till Christmas to come up with the money. Ive been actively buying items and reselling to come up with your money. It will take time and will not be sooner than Christmas.

If you dont want 25mill I can do that too and alot sooner the whole reason I brought it up was you wanted the money right now.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:50 pm
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LOL and what part is it exactly considering I have the dump part and the handles that completes it?
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:35 pm
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Lord Cavewight of GL

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Your ore cart is missing a 3rd part a part that sits in my bank a part that exists in Inside UO as the 3rd part of the ore cart.

How do you know how close I am? Im constantly buying items and reselling to get your gold I can offer less if you want it "right now" but I can offer 25mill around Christmas.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:03 pm
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Because you told me you would have the 20 mil a couple months ago and you're not even close to achieving it. The ore cart I have, there is no 3rd part. I grabbed both parts myself personally at the same spot.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:59 pm
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Lord Cavewight of GL

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I have the 3rd part, Inside UO shows three parts. Its not complete.

Im not strong arming you just stating the facts. When a person asks almost double the going price of an item they must accept the reality of what it would take to get that.

I have been working and will continue to work till around Christmas when I would have 25mill gold.

This is fair considering what your asking. If you want this money now you wont get it. I think my spending nearly 6months of my time getting this gold would warrant atleast enough time to complete and get done.

I dont see where you are going to get 25mill elsewhere so im not sure why you arent willing to wait the amount of time it takes to get 25mill.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:45 pm
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The ore cart is a complete set, it's only a 2 piece set.....I picked up both pieces, so stop trying to strong arm me and threaten me with "letting people know stuff", cuz it could get really fucking ugly on the forums for you. I mean you do a lot of forum trading right? I doubt anyone would want to see the irc log, forum pms with your inconsistencies, empty promises, and lack of promptness?

Let's get real here, you just made me wait 4 months to try and lowball me for less than half the price we agreed on. I'm a vet, I'm backed by vets on this shard, my credibility far exceeds the word, as I've never scammed anyone, made false promises, or not followed through on my word. You should take a page out of your buddy Telamons book, and just fall back a little bit.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:16 pm
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Lord Cavewight of GL

Message subject: Re: Items
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Well you run into an issue.

You wont take less than 25mill for them.

So you wont get that, you can try but id let people know you are selling as a 25mill set.

Sure you may possibly get 3mill or so bids on the poles but you only put them at 5mill per if others sold for 10mill per.

Also that ore carts going to be a hard sell. Ill make sure to let everyone know that its not complete as I have the 3rd part.

So if you would like to post it go ahead. Ill keep saving and working like I have and ill have your 25mill by Christmas. The items will still be around as no one will be paying your prices except me and I will need till Christmas to get that.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:07 pm
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I've waited long enough, I'm just going to take the items to auction.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:00 pm
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Lord Cavewight of GL

Message subject: Re: Items
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If you really want 25mill your going to get it one way.

I will farm for 14 weeks and you will have your gold... near Christmas... maybe Thanksgiving.

Thats about it really because at 25mill you asking more than anyone else has ever been paying for these. So with that price you want comes the reality of what it would take to get it.

If 25mill is the min price you will accept then you will keep these items till near Christmas. How else would you get 25mill for these 5?

If you have other trades that you would like to complete with the money from this trade you have two options:

1. Sell 1 by 1. Best I could do there is 2.5 weeks Id give you 5mill for a pole/shackle or 5 weeks give you 10mill for an anchor etc.

2. Farm and pay for whatever items you want to buy and get your 25mill lump sum around Christmas / Maybe Thanksgiving.

I have been buying/selling etc for this trade but I do need the time it would require to raise 25mill cash.

If you want 25mill and not 15mill or so you would have to sell to me and give me the time to make that kind of money.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:58 pm
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You don't seem to understand what I'm telling you.

The items are NOT leaving my house for less than 10 mil a piece.

Ore cart = 10 mil

Anchor = 10 mil

(2) shackles on a stick = 5 mil (discount price we discussed for buying BOTH the ore cart and anchor @ 10 mil)

25 mil for all 5 pieces.

You're not helping me with my gold. My gold is fine, I have a endless supply of pvp weapons, I have 5 GF'd hued masks, including a neon, and a purple. GF'd sandals, neon, black, other server rares in my house. A whole town of real estate. This is the bottom line of the conversation.

I am not budging on my prices for my items. It doesn't matter what you think they're worth or anyone else thinks they're worth. It only matters what I think it's worth because otherwise they're not leaving my possession, it's pretty simple.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:46 pm
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Lord Cavewight of GL

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Go by the market price not whatever you "think its worth".

Youll get less if you put it up for auction. I just bought a unique for 1mill. If people wont pay it why is it "worth 10mill"?

I would love to buy your items and have been working very hard buying and selling items since the day I was in contact with you about this. Let me buy it for "more than its worth" and help you out with your gold.

13mill now or 18mill later thats a better offer than the rest of the shard.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:36 pm
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Then you go do that.

You're obviously another Telamon whom seems to think they have a grasp and control over the prices of rares, masks, sandals etc.

People told me I wouldn't get 5 mil for loops tower - got it.

Told me I couldn't get 20 mil offers for my friends neon sandals - got it.

Now "people" are telling me that server birth rares on a server where people pay 3-4 million for a placed keep aren't worth 10 mil?

Again, mark gave you a deal on that rare (which wasn't a server birth rare btw) because he owed you a favor so that's irrelevant.

It's a joke. On top of all of this there's no NEED for me to take anything less than 10 mil as I have all the PvP equipment I'll ever need. This is a one shot deal, the next person who buys these items probably won't be selling them. I have no problem putting them up for auction and if need be just holding onto them.

Regardless no point in us going back and forth on this, you know what you told me when you said "don't let anyone know I'm paying these prices for the items, when we agreed on 10 mil per on the ore cart and the anchor". I don't associate with people who's word has no credibility, especially when on top of that, they waste my time.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:32 pm
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Lord Cavewight of GL

Message subject: Re: Items
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Who paid 5mill for that marble table? How exactly could he have "gotten 10"?

I still got those weps for 1mill and no one else even bid on them.

13mill for 5 server births is the going rate. If they are worth more why dont they sell for more? Why do you consistently go for 2-2.6m per sometimes 3?

If they arent leaving for less than 10mill per enjoy keeping them forever. Its been almost 4 years since they were put on the shard if you want to wait 4 more years and "hope" they are worth 10mill have at it.

What you dont seem to understand is these are not unique neon sandals no hued masks they are unique server births.

If you put them up at auction expect less than 13mill.

And silver isnt hard to get I regularly buy at 10 per and 400 is for sale... right now on the forums. I would pay for 1000 silver every 10mill I got before I would pay 3x going rate for server births.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:13 pm
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Marble table = 5 mil, could have gotten 10.

The set of hanging wall weapons you got for a deal because he owed you a favor (yes I know about that).

13 mil for 5 server births is a joke. Like I said I farmed over 2.6 mil in one week (in reality it was 3 days stretched out over a 1 week span.) Please don't try to tell me they're worth 2.6mil especially the ore cart, and anchor, which are definitely some of the most prestigious sever birth rares. We received offers of 5 mil when we first obtained them probably 2-3 years ago, so let's stop the bullshit.

Like I said those 2 rares the ore cart, and anchor aren't leaving my house for anything less than 10 mil a piece. So unless you're willing to pony up, and man up to your bid that you promised me 4 months ago when we first spoke in IRC, please stop pming me.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:52 pm
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Lord Cavewight of GL

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Listen, server births and uniques are not worth more than 2.6mill.

Some yes, like the one I paid 3mill for in the past. Other than that 3mill is as high as any have gone. 2.6 being average for higher end ones.

Anything higher is not a reality of the market prices. I paid 1mill for a set of hanging wall weps just a month ago! No one else even bid.

If you want 13mill for the 5 I can do that and do it within the week. (7 days)

If server births went for more id pay for but paying 10mill for items that sell for 2.6 and 3 at the most doesnt make sense.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:58 am
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A joke deal? We negotiated. You said, and I quote, "you can't tell anyone else I'm buying these rares off of you for these prices", so don't give me that joke nonsense. If I told you 10mil per item, and YOU felt it was unrealistic, then you shouldn't have wasted my time. 2.6 mil? Are you fucking kidding me. I've FARMED more than that in less than a week. A server birth rare is worth way more than that. I've been playing here a long time, you're not going to try and pull your tactics on me that you would on some random noob or moron. You would FIRST need the silver to obtain a custom rare, which is harder to get than silver, and people don't want to part with that as easily as gold. Gold is a joke on this server 10mil for a one of a kind rare is low considering the cash being thrown around on this server. It's funny how people like you, who obviously have less wealth, and less experience, try to tell me how much items are worth.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:46 am
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Lord Cavewight of GL

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You told me 10mill per item. Thats unrealistic and you should know better. I can choose my own unique of my own choice of a much larger size (see blood pentagram) for 10mill.

EDIT: Its been 2 1/2 months not 4 months.

The last unique I bought was 2.6, the one before was 1mill for Unique Deco Weps that hang on the wall.

If you want 13mill ill still buy them. However if you want to sell to others or put on the forums you will get less.

Sorry about the miscommunciation but I seriously thought 10mill was you joking and we would be working out a real deal. I did say I would pay more than the market rate just not THAT much more.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:30 am
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13 mil for 5 server birth rares? Why are you trying to lowball me after we already had a conversation and agreed on a price? You made me wait almost 4 months with the promise of coming up with the money (in 2 months) twice. I don't have anymore time for this type of negotiating. You handled this in a unprofessional and irresponsible matter. The items will be up for auction today, at a price that ****I**** think is fair for me. If you didn't want the items you should have said that from the get go rather than wasting my time and dragging me along for 4 months. There are no more transactions on the forums between you and I after this.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:15 am
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Lord Cavewight of GL

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We can do them in installments or we can do them in bulk at a reduced price that will still be higher than what you would get at auction.

13mill is a fair number for 5 server births. 2.6mill per.

Ill do slightly more if given some more time.
Sent: Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:49 am
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How are we looking?
Sent: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:31 pm
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Sent: Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:30 am
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Lord Cavewight of GL

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Let me talk to a friend I may be able to put something together soon.

I should be able to take care of it by the 1st still.

Ill try to do it sooner.
Sent: Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:26 pm
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I got him to hold onto it for a little bit longer, but he said middle next week hes going to auction. Do you think youll be able to come up with the cash or should I try to auction them to get the $$$?
Sent: Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:46 pm
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I'll see if he's going to be patient enough to wait another 2 weeks. I've had him on the fence since I first approached you with the items a few months back.......
Sent: Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:41 pm
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Lord Cavewight of GL

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Give me till August 1st and ill see if I can have it all by then. But so far I have around 9mill and a bunch of other stuff to sell.
Sent: Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:01 pm
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Just checking in to see how things are going, I've had an item that someone is holding for me until I get the $$ for it and it's contingent on me selling you both of those server birth rares. He's getting a little impatient and I'm just wondering when you think you'll have the cash gathered? Thanks in advance.
Sent: Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:44 pm

Sorry I had to give you this tombstone Cavewight, but you're not built for war and my reputation as a dealer and a man of my word is long on this shard. Also by the way for those that read all of the pms, the 5 rares we were talking about were the ore cart (2 parts) anchor (1) and shackles on a stick (2 parts). So if server birth rares aren't worth what I'm asking, how come you're willing to pay 10 mil for a incomplete item (as you say that I'm calling bullshit on)? Here's the conversation in FULL, I'm ANXIOUS to see your reply "Lord Cavewight of GL" the supposed reputable dealer, trader, broker, "rares hunter". This clown was all gassed up and I just threw a flame on him (I was dying for you to follow through on your threat).
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Re: Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

Post by Bull »

7-11 mil for a server birth?

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Re: Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

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I bid two bytes!

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Re: Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

Post by Treasureman »

I'm not interested in getting into the cross-hairs of this dispute ... and I'm well aware of the starting bid ...
but I'll bid 6 Castle Deeds.

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Re: Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

Post by Telamon »

Mirage wrote: Bidding will begin at $7 mil, I reserve the right not to sell for any reason.
Buyout will be $11 mil.
ROFL, Just ROFL. Might as well buy some neon sandals for that kind of cash. Because this, is not worth 2 mil(per piece), much less 7.

With the rate new items have been popping up lately, its only a matter of time before everyone gets one of these for a mining event.

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Re: Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

Post by Mirage »

Telamon wrote:
Mirage wrote: Bidding will begin at $7 mil, I reserve the right not to sell for any reason.
Buyout will be $11 mil.
ROFL, Just ROFL. Might as well buy some neon sandals for that kind of cash. Because this, is not worth 2 mil, much less 7.
Guess you have the same reading disorder that bull does. Funny how as soon as I bury Cavewight his rare buddies try to come to his rescue since he can't handle shooting himself in the foot.
ANOTHER butthurt rare hunter trying to derail my auction who happens to be tight buddies with "Lord Cavewight of GL" LOL. If it's not worth 2 then how come I'm getting bids (yes that's multiple) 3.5 fold that? Like I said before in another post, you don't have a grasp on what's worth what on this shard. Go find a IDOC.
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Re: Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

Post by Telamon »

Mirage wrote:
Telamon wrote:
Mirage wrote: Bidding will begin at $7 mil, I reserve the right not to sell for any reason.
Buyout will be $11 mil.
ROFL, Just ROFL. Might as well buy some neon sandals for that kind of cash. Because this, is not worth 2 mil, much less 7.
Guess you have the same reading disorder that bull does. Funny how as soon as I bury Cavewight his rare buddies try to come to his rescue since he can't handle shooting himself in the foot.
ANOTHER butthurt rare hunter trying to derail my auction who happens to be tight buddies with "Lord Cavewight of GL" LOL. If it's not worth 2 then how come I'm getting bids (yes that's multiple) 3.5 fold that? Like I said before in another post, you don't have a grasp on what's worth what on this shard. Go find a IDOC.
^ Translation: The truth hurts.

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Re: Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

Post by Mirage »

Telamon wrote:
Mirage wrote:
Telamon wrote:
Mirage wrote: Bidding will begin at $7 mil, I reserve the right not to sell for any reason.
Buyout will be $11 mil.
ROFL, Just ROFL. Might as well buy some neon sandals for that kind of cash. Because this, is not worth 2 mil, much less 7.
Guess you have the same reading disorder that bull does. Funny how as soon as I bury Cavewight his rare buddies try to come to his rescue since he can't handle shooting himself in the foot.
ANOTHER butthurt rare hunter trying to derail my auction who happens to be tight buddies with "Lord Cavewight of GL" LOL. If it's not worth 2 then how come I'm getting bids (yes that's multiple) 3.5 fold that? Like I said before in another post, you don't have a grasp on what's worth what on this shard. Go find a IDOC.
^ Translation: The truth hurts.
Bahzooka wrote:I'm not interested in getting into the cross-hairs of this dispute ... and I'm well aware of the starting bid ...
but I'll bid 6 Castle Deeds.
Yes it does.
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Re: Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

Post by Mirage »

Auction will run until this Sunday @ 5:00 P.M. 1 hour after last bid.
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Re: Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

Post by Brules »

Wait, so do you have half a cart or a whole cart?

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Re: Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

Post by UsualSuspect »


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Re: Selling server birth rare "Ore Cart"!!!!

Post by [Uhh] Eo »

It always makes me smirk when someone doesn't understand that this is a sandbox MMO, and what is fun to one person may not be fun to another. Jealous of some pixels UsualSuspect?
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