Pet speeds made faster on 5/25/99 patch notes never reduced

For ideas on how to make Second Age a better shard. Can it get any better? Maybe.
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Re: Pet speeds made faster on 5/25/99 patch notes never reduced

Post by sirrayiv »

Derrick wrote:
tekai wrote:I believe thats what white wyrms are at, which i don't think i can argue with. How did we come by the current dragon / mare following speeds.
All creatures move at a multiple of ticks. We know that WW's are fast, like Silver Serps, 1 tile/tick
Dragons are slower, 1 tile/2 ticks in their natural movement speed, if you tell a tame creatre that moves slower than one tile per tick to follow, his speed will double, but this effect is capped at one tile per tick, so it has no bearing for the fastest creatures such as a White Wyrm.

I clearly remember somebody trying to pk me while I was hunting down in Shame. I told my White Wyrm to kill him, and he ran off the screen on horseback, and my White Wyrm was fast enough to catch him and kill him without my the time I ran onto the screen, the red was dead, and my White Wyrm was standing over his corpse.

Most of the free servers that I have played on, keep pet speeds extremely slow, mainly because they cater to PvPr's, and to their murdering players. BUT, in reality, whether fair or not, the speeds for pets used to be alot faster than what it is currently on our shard.

Reds back in the day feared messing with tamers, because they COULD NOT outrun their White Wyrms very easily, even on Horseback. Here however, the AI of all creatures is not accurate at all. All a person would have to do to avoid a Wyrm here, is run around an object, and the AI of the pet is so bad, that this actually works.

I would like to see the AI corrected to what it used to be like, and the speed for all Dragons, etc... increased to what is like back then.

Players back in the day, had to cast paralize on White Wyrms before attacking, because they couldn't outrun them unless they had an extremely fast connection, and happened to be very lucky.

Bong Hit
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Re: Pet speeds made faster on 5/25/99 patch notes never reduced

Post by Bong Hit »

Gimie a break nothing could outrun a player I mean maybe some idiot runing on a 28k or 56k sure. I know this isent in era but its my only example, when faction wars started there were guards that you could hire for a certain amount of silver to guard ur base. Now thems was fast! Mmm as well whisps always moved fast.

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